Pegasus H-47 Chinook Website Guestbook

Wow!! I just found this site. I was the Flight Engineer for 68-16003 (Balls 3) Feb - May 1972, Lane Army Heliport, Vietnam. I was with the 180th Assault Support Helicopter Company Jun 22, 1971 to Jun 22, 1972. Around 154 combat hours in 4 months. I got good & bad memories flying in Balls 3.

Glad to see what happen to Balls 3 after Lane Army Heliport, Vietnam. I look forward to getting more familiar with this web site. GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!!!


Added: February 18, 2012
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B-Co 7/101 Nov. 2008 - Jan. 2010.

Added: October 11, 2010
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Great website found out the A/C tail # 67-18465 " Spirit in the sky " is still flying with a new tail # 88- 00090 after serving in Nam from 70-71 when I was her flight engineer

Added: October 11, 2010
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I feel privileged and blessed to have served and crewed with the finest aviators in the world on the greatest, most versatile and longest serving aircraft the active duty Army has ever known or will know, the Chinook! Hookers are truly a unique breed of aviators, we know we are indeed fortunate to have been blessed by God himself to have been given the opportunity to soar this Beast of Burden, fortunate to crewed an aircraft so unique, so underappreciated by the Army while being looked down upon by those whose ignorance or jealousy often results in scorn or sneers at the Beast. We Hookers know the beauty of the Beast and her attributes are not appreciated by all, that our missions may not be the most glamorous, that fame and recognition often elude our exceptional and sometimes heroic efforts, yet day in and day out, in darkness or in light, in fair weather or in foul we answer the mission with You call, we haul! because that s what we do! The world may little know the sacrifices we Hookers have made and will continue to make each and every day so long as the Beast continues to fly, but the world will take note the day she is no more, for she and her Hookers have set a standard beyond reach, because the Beast and her crews are truly blessed by divinity, for God surely has to be a Hooker as well!

Added: October 2, 2010
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I tried to send an e-mail with info on CH47B 66-19098 in the B model section but I couldn't get it to go through so I'll try here. I crewed 098 in Vietnam in 1971 with the 271stASHC. The question that I'd like to answer is what unit she was with at Ft' Campbell Ky. The last time I saw her was during my 2nd enlistment in 1974. I was with the Co. C 159Avn Bn. and so was 098. hope this helps. maybe someone could forward this to the web master ans he can put it where it belongs in the B model section.
Walter Martin
Keep on hookin

Added: September 10, 2010
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Great site. I'm a TI bound for Iraq soon, this will help in my experience. Thanks

Added: August 29, 2010
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Thanks for doing such a great job on this site, I've been coming to this site for the past 9 years for everything from photos, videos, or just killing time. Also thanks for posting my Kandahar video, I'll submit some pictures for the photo contest if you still have it. Keep up the good work.

Added: July 25, 2010
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Thank you so much for this site. I have learned much about Chinooks from reading all the information you post. My son Army Ranger Kristofer Thomas was one of the eight killed on tail number 92-00472 on 17 February 2007 in Afghanistan. Thank god 14 of them survived to share their stories and it's a miracle after receiving the accident investigation report with photo's that any survived. The one you have posted was taken just after the crash before it was destroyed. Again thank you....

Added: June 23, 2010
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I am currently the Flight Engineer on ACFT 87-00109 at Buckley AFB, Colorado.

Added: June 22, 2010
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Always nice to visit your site... I hope you are doing well.

Added: June 3, 2010
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