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          Photo of the Year Contest



2006 Photo Contest of the Year Winner.

             2006: A CH-47A conducting water landing operations. Photograph by CW4 Mike Jones, 92nd Aviation Medium Helicopter Company - later designated Company A, 6th Combat Aviation Battalion (CAB), United States Army Reserve (USAR), then located at Paine Field, Everett Washington. Mike took this from the hell hole seat in a UH-1H while hovering over Lake Samamish east of Seattle. CW4 Doug Houser was flying the Chinook making running water landings towards the Huey. The camera was a Nikon F3HP with a 55mm Micro Nikkor lens, using Kodak Kodachrome 64 film. Mike is now retired and enjoying life in Honolulu, Hawaii. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version of this image.



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Last updated: 01/06/2021 19:32:56