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          CH-47 Chinook Helicopter Technical Reports



             Would you believe there are folks out there actually trying to charge for these materials that are readily available for free from public domain government data bases on the Internet?



Page 1 from the HC-1B Chinook helicopter training package.

             Page 1 from the HC-1B Chinook helicopter training package. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



             In this section one will find various technical reports, papers, and other items concerning the CH-47 that are available in the public domain. Although most are rather dated - many poor quality copies of the original - they give the reader a sense of the processes used to develop the Chinook helicopter into what it is at present. We suggest one select "Right Click" and "Save Target As" to download the .pdf files to the local computer before opening them to read. Another option is to open the files in a new tab by selecting "Open in New Tab". Several files are quite large.



             Should anyone out the in Hooker World have a better copy of any of these files, or have information you would like to contribute, it would be very much appreciated if you would contact us at:


          Technical Reports



          Click on the subject to view the file.



1963 HC-1B Training Package.
[126 pages, 173 Mb, High Quality]
1964 HC-1B/CH-47A Technical Development Plan.
[65 pages, 25.8 Mb, High Quality]
1966 Accuracy Comparison of Modified and Unmodified 2.75-inch (FFAR) Rockets Fired From an Airborne Armed Chinook Helicopter.
[53 pages, 2.8 Mb]
1966 Informal Evaluation of the Aviation Medium Helicopter Company in Counter-Insurgency Operations.
[18 pages, 890 Kb]
1966 CH-47A Chinook Flight Loads Investigation Program.
[186 pages, 4.7 Mb]
1967 CH-47 Accident Summary 1 July 1966 to 30 June 1967.
[64 pages, 2.2 Mb]
1968 CH-47A Chinook Engine Load Sharing.
[84 pages, 3.3 Mb]
1968 Acoustical Study of the CH-47B (Chinook) Helicopter.
[84 pages, 3.1 Mb]
1968 Engineering Flight Test the CH-47B Chinook Helicopter.
[35 pages, 1.1 Mb]
1968 Engineering Flight Test of the CH-47 (Chinook) Helicopter Integral Weight and Balance Systems (ENSURE).
[45 pages, 1.8 Mb]
1970 Airworthiness and Qualification Test (Phase D) CH-47B Helicopter.
[315 pages, 8.5 Mb]
1970 T55-L-11 Engine Support for CH-47C Aircraft U.S. Army Test Programs.
[11 pages, 568 Kb]
1972 Aerial Artillery Design Study Two Externally Mounted XM204 Howitzers on a CH-47C Helicopter.
[256 pages, 9.1 Mb]
1972 Airworthiness and Flight Characteristics CH-47C Helicopter (Chinook) Stability and Control.
[104 pages, 5.5 Mb]
1972 Height-Velocity Evaluation CH-47C with T55-L-11A Engines.
[53 pages, 3.9 Mb.]
1972 Navy Vehicle Design and Construction: Measurement of Triaxial Vibration at Significant Human Interface Points on the CH-47C and SH-3A Helicopters.
[70 pages, 3.6 Mb.]
1973 Design, Fabrication, and Flight Test of the Active Arm External Load Stabilization System for Cargo Handling Helicopters (BV-347).
[170 pages, 8.1 Mb]
1973 CH-47A Design and Operational Flight Loads Study.
[53 pages, 2.5 Mb]
1975 CH-47C Fixed-System Stall-Flutter Damping.
[36 pages, 3.7 Mb]
1975 Vibration and Temperature Survey Production CH-47C Helicopter.
[218 pages, 14.5 Mb]
1977 Helicopter Noise Measurements Report - CH-47C.
[423 pages, 15.6 Mb]
1978 Engineering Analysis of Crash Injury in Army CH-47 Aircraft.
[34 pages, 866 Kb]
1978 CH-47 Crash Test (T-40) Structural, Cargo, Restraint and Aircrew Inflatable Restraint Experiments.
[111 pages, 8.2 Mb]
1979 Flight Proflie Performance Handbook CH-47C.
[222 pages, 9.8 Mb.]
1979 Flight Profile Performance Handbook CH-47D.
[129 pages, 3.6 Mb.]
1979 Preliminary Airworthiness Evaluation CH-47C with Fiberglass Rotor Blades with T55-L-712 Engines.
[129 pages, 3.6 Mb.]
1979 Training Effectiveness of the CH-47 Flight Simulator.
[91 pages, 3.9 Mb.]
1980 Comparison of Analytical and Flight Test Identified Aerodynamic Derivatives for a Tandem-Rotor Transport Helicopter.
[57 pages, 2.0 Mb.]
1982 Operational Noise Data for the UH-60A and CH-47C Army Helicopters.
[46 pages, 1.9 Mb]
1984 Airworthiness and Flight Characteristics Test (A&FC) of the CH-47D helicopter.
[244 pages, 11.7 Mb]
1984 Noise Measurement Flight Test for Boeing Vertol 234 CH-47D Helicopter: Data/Analyses.
[192 pages, 6.8 Mb]
1985 Aerial Refueling Evaluation of the CH-47D Helicopter.
[56 pages, 2.1 Mb]
1988 Evaluation of the Production CH-47D Adverse Weather Cockpit (AWC) Aerial Refueling System.
[83 pages, 4.3 Mb]
1988 Operational Noise Data for CH-47D and AH-64 Army Helicopters.
[45 pages, 1.9 Mb]
1989 Simulator Sickness in the CH-47 (Chinook) Flight Simulator.
[72 pages, 2.7 Mb]
1991 Task Analysis and Workload Prediction for the MH-47E and a Comparision with CH-47D Workload Predictions.
[463 pages, 12.5 Mb]
1992 Army Aircraft Safety Performance Review FY 87-91.
[47 pages, 2.4 Mb]
1995 Communication and Noise Hazard Survey of CH-47D Crewmembers.
[16 pages, 624 Kb]
1996 Subjective Evaluation of the Communications Earplug with Flexible Harness (CEP/FH) among CH-47D crewmembers.
[18 pages, 897 Kb]
1996 Thesis: Integrated Logistics in Special Operations Aviation - A Case Study of the MH-60K and MH-47E.
[189 pages, 5.7 Mb]
2000 CH-47D Dampner Failure Analysis.
[89 pages, 3.6 Mb]
2001 Accident Rates in Glass Cockpit Model U.S. Army Rotary Wing Aircraft.
[61 pages, 4.1 Mb]
2002 A Replacement Database for the CH-47D Spectrometric Oil Analysis Program.
[80 pages, 2.7 Mb]
2003 Calculation of Rotor Performance and Loads Under Stalled Conditions.
[16 pages, 249 Kb]
2004 A Health Assessment of Lubricating Oil in Two Australian Army CH-47D Helicopters.
[47 pages, 1.8 Mb]
2004 A History of Full-Scale Aircraft and Rotorcraft Crash Testing and Simulation at NASA Langley Research Center.
[22 pages, 881 Kb]
2005 Thesis: Keeping the Dagger Sharp: A Comparision of MC-130H and MH-47E Selection and Training Methods.
[84 pages, 345 Kb]
2005 USAF Combat Search and Rescue: Untapped Combat Power.
[43 pages, 199 Kb]
2006 Failure Analysis of a Cracked CH-47D Swashplate Rotating Ring.
[28 pages, 3.4 Mb.]
2006 Failure Analysis of a CH-47D Horizontal Hinge Pin Assembly.
[38 pages, 4.5 Mb.]
2006 Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM): A Working Partnership between Government, Industry, and Academia.
[146 pages, 12.3 Mb.]
2007 Computational Modeling of the CH-47 Helicopter in Hover.
[7 pages, 461 Kb.]
2007 Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Flight School XXI.
[56 pages, 2.8 Mb.]
2007 T55 Compressor Rotor Turn Time Reduction - Phase I.
[2 pages, 101 Kb.]



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Last updated: 02/05/2012 14:15:01