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          Countermeasures - Flares



M211 and M212 Aircraft Countermeasure flares
type classified to enhance survivability



             Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey, 23 May 2003: The U.S. Army has recently type classified two new Infrared Countermeasure flares to enhance aircraft survivability against the most sophisticated IR guided missiles in the field.

An MH-47E deploys decoy flares.
   The new decoys, designated as the M211 and M212 Aircraft Countermeasure Flares, were developed under the Advanced Infrared Countermeasure Munition (AIRCMM) program as a part of the Suite of Integrated Infrared Countermeasures (SIIRCM).

             The AIRCMM is currently being developed for low flying, slow moving rotary wing aircraft and is one of two major United States Department of Defense infrared (IR) decoy development programs.

             The M211 and M212 Aircraft Countermeasure Flares will supplement the M206 Aircraft Countermeasure Flare currently utilized by Army Aircraft.

             The AIRCMM solution consists of using these three flares in a timing and sequence that has been optimized, through flight-testing and computer simulations, to decoy the threats. These flares, when combined, have proven to drastically increase the survivability of aircraft and aircrew employing it during missions over hostile areas.

New flares for the fleet.
   The AIRCMM solution has been utilized in the field on MH-47 and MH-60 Helicopters by the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment since early 2000.

             An Urgent Material Release to the 101st Airborne Division was completed in January. Most recently, the M211 and M212 flares were used to protect aircraft during combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. The aircrews reported the countermeasures were effective in defeating multiple missiles fired at them.

             The Project Manager (PM), Close Combat Systems, manages AIRCMM with technical support from the Pyrotechnic Systems Team within WECAC and contractual oversight is performed at the Picatinny Center for Contracting and Commerce.



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Last updated: 01/07/2021 21:06:10