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          Boeing CH-47F Model Chinook



          The Next Generation of the Heavy-Lift Helicopter.






January 19, 2005: The new CH-47F features a modern "glass cockpit" in which computer displays replace traditional "steam gauges" and provide a color map of the helicopter's course. By 2018, all of the Army's Chinooks will use this hardware.

             January 19, 2005: The new CH-47F features a modern "glass cockpit" in which computer displays replace traditional "steam gauges" and provide a color map of the helicopter's course. By 2018, all of the Army's Chinooks will use this type of hardware. Shown in the photograph above, the center instrument panel still had the old style gauges. These were utilized only in the prototype aircraft (98-00011 and 98-00012). Later production models had a full glass cockpit. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version of this image.



             63-07922, Boeing build number B-076, was a CH-47A helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date was 23 February 1965. 63-07922 accumulated 4,093.2 aircraft hours. On 11 April 1983, 63-07922 was inducted into the D model program and converted to 83-24107. The last known location of 63-07922 was at Boeing during the conversion. Aircraft status: Converted to D model.


             83-24107, Boeing D model kit number M3037, was a CH-47D helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date was 15 May 1984. As of 22 June 1998, 83-24107 had accumulated 1,756.7 D model hours and 5,849.9 total aircraft hours. 83-24107 was a conversion from the original A model Chinook 63-07922. On 11 May 1983, 83-24107 was inducted into the D model program, converted, and initially assigned to Fort Campbell, Kentucky. As of 25 June 2001, the last known location of 83-24107 was at the Boeing facilities in Pennsylvania undergoing conversion to F model 98-00011. Aircraft status: Converted to F model.


             98-00011, Boeing F model kit number unknown, was a CH-47F helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date was unknown. As of 22 June 1998, 98-00011 had accumulated an unknown number of F model hours and 5,849.9 total aircraft hours. 98-00011 was a conversion from D model Chinook 83-24107, which was originally A model Chinook 63-07922. In October 1999, 98-00011 was inducted into the F model program, converted, and initially assigned to Fort Rucker, Alabama, for operational data collection. As of 1 January 2002, 98-00011 was 36.9 years old. As of May 2002, the last known location of 98-00011 was at Fort Rucker, Alabama. Aircraft status: Flyable.



Boeing CH-47F Chinook first flight of 98-00011.


          The first flight of a CH-47 F Model.



             On 25 June 2001, the first flight of the next generation of Chinook helicopters took place at Ridley Park, Pennsylvania. Tail number 98-00011 is the first of many conversions from the D model helicopter introduced in 1982 to the more advanced F model helicopter. The F model program will extend the life of the Chinook fleet an additional 30 years.


             The Boeing Philadelphia flight crew consisted of Erik Kocher, Chinook program chief test pilot; Randy Wells, test pilot; Joe Schluck, flight test engineer; and John Rose, crew chief. The helicopter lifted off shortly before 7 p.m., EDT, and remained airborne for about five minutes to validate aircraft handling qualities.





             67-18456, Boeing build number B-426, was a CH-47B helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date was 6 November 1967. 67-18456 accumulated 3,444.1 aircraft hours. On 7 June 1983, 67-18456 was inducted into the D model program and converted to 83-24115. The last known location of 67-18456 was at Boeing during the conversion. Aircraft status: Converted to D model.


             83-24115, Boeing D model kit number M3045, was a CH-47D helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date was 29 September 1984. As of 22 June 1998, 83-24115 had accumulated 1,455.6 D model hours and 4,899.7 total aircraft hours. 83-24115 was a conversion from the original B model Chinook 67-18456. On 8 March 1985, 83-24115 was inducted into the D model program, converted, and initially assigned to Fort Campbell, Kentucky. As of 1 January 2002, the last known location of 83-24115 was at the Boeing facilities in Pennsylvania. Aircraft status: Undergoing conversion to F model, tail number 98-00012.


             98-00012, Boeing F model kit number unknown, was a CH-47F helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date was unknown. As of 22 June 1998, 98-00012 had accumulated an unknown number of F model hours and 4,899.7 total aircraft hours. 98-00012 was a conversion from D model Chinook 83-24115, which was originally B model Chinook 67-18456. In October 1999, 98-00012 was inducted into the F model program, converted, and initially assigned to an unknown location. As of 1 January 2002, this aircraft was 34.2 years old. As of 1 January 2002, the last known location of 83-24115 was at the Boeing facilities in Pennsylvania. Aircraft status: Undergoing conversion to F model.


             The photographs below, of soon to become 98-00012, give a brief glimpse of the extent and amount of work that goes into the airframe during the conversion process.



Boeing CH-47F 98-00012 - The next generation.


Boeing CH-47F 98-00012 - The next generation.


Boeing CH-47F 98-00012 - The next generation.


Boeing CH-47F 98-00012 - The next generation. [Note the Bowtie]


Boeing CH-47F 98-00012 - The next generation.


Boeing CH-47F 98-00012 - The next generation.


Boeing CH-47F 98-00012 - The next generation.


Boeing CH-47F 98-00012 - The next generation.


Boeing CH-47F 98-00012 - The next generation.


Boeing CH-47F 98-00012 - The next generation.


Boeing CH-47F 98-00012 - The next generation.


Boeing CH-47F 98-00012 - The next generation.


Boeing CH-47F 98-00012 - The next generation.


Boeing CH-47F 98-00012 - The next generation.


Boeing CH-47F 98-00012 - The next generation.



             Trivia Question: One of the Photos above shows the ever present, but elusive, Bow Tie that the CH-47 has always worn.

Can you spot it?



CH-47F Chinook helicopter 98-00012 after undergoing remanufacture.


             Above: A shot of CH-47F Chinook helicopter 98-00012 after undergoing remanufacture. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



          Boeing CH-47F model Chinook Fact Sheet


CH-47 Fact sheet, 1 of 2, June 2002


CH-47 Fact sheet, 2 of 2, June 2002


             Click-N-Go Here to download a nice copy of the fact sheet shown above, suitable for printing, in Adobe PDF format [82 Kb].



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          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


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Last updated: 01/06/2021 21:11:11