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          Company H, 4th Battalion, 7th Aviation Regiment

          " CH-47 Chinook Helicopter News and History "

          The H-47 Chinook History - If we don't write it down, who will?

The Mighty Pegasus.
" Pegasus "

--- Skookum La Metsin ---
The Mighty Pegasus.
          The CH-47 Chinook Helicopter - More Hookers than a Las Vegas Showroom



Air Force HH-47 CSAR concept poster. The Chinook is so powerful that even if both engines fail it could fly for a week before landing.
   Serving the the United States military as well as many other countries around the globe for over 50 years, the CH-47 Chinook helicopter has distinguished itself as the premiere workhorse for moving troops and cargo to anywhere required. From the hot, skanky jungles of Vietnam to Afghanistan's frigid, rugged mountain tops, the Chinook helicopter has proven itself a reliable friend - both day and night, in all types of weather. View a complete site map listing and pick a topic of interest.
          Larger Poster     Get Vertical    



             With just about everything the avid researcher would want to know about the Boeing H-47 Chinook helicopter, this peer reviewed site contains over 5,000 pages of current news, tail number historical information, drawings, 8,500 photographs, videos and publications.

   Since it's patent date 64.8 years ago, the Chinook helicopter has been the workhorse of the United States Army and has served many other countries around the world.

   Feel free to hover around this site and experience the magnificent history of this fine flying machine. Use the Slide Out Menu at the upper left of each page, or try the SiteMap to locate the information you seek.

   If you know the serial number of your favorite Chinook you can locate it here.



          See Why Its Important to Record the History Now







             Although you can watch these videos directly by clicking on the link, it's recommended that you Right Click and select "SAVE AS" to download them to your computer - then watch them. They are large files and work fine with Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player.


View the Video: An unknown CH-47D Chinook helicopter rotor system spins in the wind at an unknown location. See what happens when you don't tie the blades down and the wind picks up.

Video: Wind Damage

[01:11, 45 MB, w/audio]


View the Video: An unknown CH-47D Chinook helicopter lands with a broken aft landing gear at an unknown location.
View the Video: An unknown CH-47D Chinook helicopter resupplies a mountain top Observation Post somewhere in eastern Afghanistan.
View the Video: An unknown CH-47D Chinook helicopter extracts grounds troops at an unknown location.
          Video: Broken Gear

[00:47, 2.1 MB, w/audio]
Video: Resupply

[00:56, 5.1 MB, w/audio]
Video: Troop Extraction

[03:06, 12.9 MB, w/audio]


View the Video: Armed/Armored ACH-47A Guns-A-Go-Go operating in the Republic of Vietnam.
View the Video: A South Korean Chinook crashes while placing a sculpture on a bridge.
View the Video: Join the Minnesota Army National Guard video.
          Video: Guns-A-Go-Go

[03:41, 16.4 MB, w/audio]
Video: Korean H-47 Crash

[00:22, 2.71 MB, w/audio]
Video: Minnesota ARNG

[01:58, 43.6 MB, w/audio]


          Click-N-Go Here to view more H-47 Chinook helicopter video.




          The ONLY valid email link is at the bottom of this page.




             Have you been a Pilot, Flight Engineer, Crew Chief, Technical Inspector or Mechanic on a H-47? It doesn't matter if you only flew or worked on a bird one time and were not the assigned crew member. Do you want your name added to the particular tail number history of the aircraft you operated? Do you have any information to share with others? If so, please visit the tail number history section of this site and review the data, then send us an email.

   Please include your Rank, Name, Position in the aircraft (Pilot, FE, CE, Door Gunner, TI, Mechanic) and the Year(s) you were on the Hook.

    An example of our airframe history is CH-47F Chinook helicopter 08-08056.




A print by Jim Morris reflecting aircraft 89-00171 and the aircrew who flew it.
Interested in a print of a painting of 89-00171 by Jim Morris? This art work was inspired by Jackie McFarlane before the Alaska unit's deployment and eventual loss of that aircraft and crew. Click-N-Go Here.




View the original U.S. Patent awarded to Leon L. Douglas and assigned to the Vertol Aircraft Corporation.
   Click-N-Go Here to view the original 7 June 1960 U.S. Patent - serial number 59,163 - submitted by Leon L. Douglas and assigned to the Vertol Aircraft Corporation.




             Lads and Ladies, please - before you email us an ask about using something from this website for a commerical venture - read the Terms of Use. Information on this site is not generally in the public domain if you intend to make money from the use of an item.




1966 U.S. Army Chinook helicopter Fact Sheet.
Interested in the early days of the Chinook helicopter? Download this 1966 CH-47 Chinook helicopter Fact Sheet and get some insight to how it all got started. Click-N-Go Here.




             We are soliciting the help of some volunteers...

    There is an A model, tail number 60-03451, in the museum at Fort Rucker. We would like to get in touch with someone who has a high quality digital camera and is willing to make contact with the museum staff and arrange to take photographs of every square inch of the airframe - inside and out, including the interiors of the pylons and any and all areas that that can be opened and photographed. This is to enhance the recording of the history of the fleet.

   There is also Guns-A-Go-Go at Redstone Arsenal that we would like to accomplish the same with...




Get some Customer Training with this Familiarization Manual.
Download this 1967 CH-47 Chinook helicopter Familiarization Manual and learn how the fine flying machine works. Click-N-Go Here [.pdf - 41.8 Mb].




             WANTED: Any and all operators, maintenance and related manuals for any and all versions of the Chinook helicopter. If anyone has a manual for the CH-47C APU, the T62T-25 version, we sure would like to have it. Click-N-Go Here to see what we have already. Thanks...




Featured Aircraft: 65-07992, a unique and one of a kind Chinook helicopter. Click-N-Go Here to read more.




          1975 - The Chinook Helicopter Story




          2014 - The Chinook Legacy Publications




             DID YOU KNOW ? As the F-n-G models are being produced and fielded, many of the D models are being chopped up and scrapped. The next time you partake from a soda can, you may be drinking from what used to be a Chinook helicopter. Please send in your photographs and stories soon. If you don't then, just like the A, B, C, and foreign sold models - the unique history of the D model will be gone forever.




             HEY CREW MEMBERS and anyone who knows! We would like your opinion. When looking at a D, F, or G model Chinook helicopter, how do you tell whether it was a conversion from an A model, a B model or a C model? Please email us.




          Voted Best Nose Art on a Chinook Helicopter


The Nose Art of Chinook helicopter 89-00150

          The Nose Art of Chinook helicopter 89-00150 - "The Black Pearl".




          U.S. Army Aviation Digest, August 1972




A Hercules Chinook helicopter in the light of night vision goggles. Click-N-Go to view a larger version of this image.
What's New on this website?




             FYI: We do not sell, endorse or advertise any items on this site. We simply strive to report news, educational, and historical information about the Boeing CH-47 Chinook helicopter. If you still think you need to contact us about a commercial venture, please first check out the Terms of Use Policy.




What's the age of your Chinook helicopter? CHN - Chinook Helicopter News - Read about it. Send some stuff in to be posted. Check out some employment opportunities.
View and Sign our Guestbook. Learn how to operate a mechanic, in Word format [32 Kb]. What's behind the Chinook helicopter name?
View some unit patches, old and new. Grab a free Windows Chinook Screen Saver for your computer. Look up your Tail number and get the aircraft history.



          Chinook Helicopter Model Comparison






          The CH-47 - 50 years old and still circling the world.


          Comments or Questions ? Email the Webmaster. Email the Webmaster.       

          This site was hatched on 22 March 1992.

    - a Universal News Organization (UNO). 33.01 years since conception and still No Copyright © 1992 - 2017. A Not-for-Profit, commercial free news and historical information website wherein our writers and editors strive to bring you the very best in honest and accurate reporting of Chinook helicopter events. No Disclaimer to read, No rights reserved, and you are free to take what you will for non-commercial use. Terms of Use agreement applies - so please read it. If you send in something to be posted on this website, it is considered community property of the Universe to be had and shared by all for non-commercial educational use. If you acquire useful information from this site, we wouldn't mind at all if you would link back to us from your website. This site is not sponsored or endorsed by any government, business, commercial activity, or interstellar alien controlled agency (well, maybe). The sad fact is - we have no sponsors at all...wish we did. It is so expensive to maintain this site we have had to resort to recycling the bits and bytes from old pages. Well at least we are being green...except for the F models (Baby Sh*! Yellow, er...we mean Desert Suede).


          The Chinook helicopter - a 1,000 miles away from the everyday.


          Complete Web Site Map


Last updated: 01/06/2021 19:17:58