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 Terms of Use.



          Pegasus Website Sitemap



Home of the Flippers - Simmons Army Airfield, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, circa 1999.

         Simmons Army Airfield, Fort Bragg, North Carolina.




             This site is for educational and entertainment purposes only. This site is not endorsed or sponsored by the United States Army, nor do any of the ideas, opinions, presentations, photographs, or concepts necessarily reflect those currently held by the United States Government. No animals were harmed in the creation of this website.




          Got the Balls to fly me?    Please, remember - while visiting the CH-47 website, please do not touch, pet, feed, throw things, shout, wave your hands, shoot at, make obscene gestures, or stare directly at the helicopters. They are on a strict diet of JP-8 (Jet Fuel), MIL-H-83282 (Hydraulic Fluid), MIL-L-23699 (Oil), .50 caliber ammunition, and become quite aggressive when threatened. Sudden movement, piss poor pilot technique, O-1's and WO-1's, O-5's and above, and improper maintenance procedures often upsets them as well. We appreciate your observance of this policy.




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          A clickable link listing of most of our pages:



             The following hot links point to the major areas of this website. Not all pages are shown and some, if not all, areas contain subdirectories and pages with additional information. If one is looking for photographs, there is quite a selection in the Gallery. However, there are thousands of additional Chinook photographs buried all over the site. Only a thorough viewer can find them all.



          O  Afghanistan Humor.
          O  Alaska Chinook Print.
          O  Deck Landing Qualification.
          O  Drawings.
          O  F Model Chinook.
          O  Final Descents.
          O  Fly a Chinook.
          O  High Altitude Rescue Team (HART).
          O  History.
               - A Model Chinook helicopter.
               - B Model Chinook helicopter.
               - C Model Chinook helicopter.
               - D Model Chinook helicopter.
               - MH-47D Model Chinook helicopter.
               - E Model Chinook helicopter.
               - F Model Chinook helicopter.
               - G Model Chinook helicopter.
          O  Home page.
          O  Humor.
          O  Internal Cargo.
          O  Links.
          O  Maintenance.
          O  Model Comparison.
          O  Chinook Helicopter News (CHN).
               - Afghanistan.
               - Alabama Chinooks.
               - Alaska Chinooks.
               - Boeing.
                    ~ Contracts.
                    ~ F Model Chinook.
               - California Chinooks.
               - Connecticut Chinooks.
               - Egyptian Chinooks.
               - General Chinook News.
                    ~ Flares.
                    ~ Exhaustion.
                    ~ Transmission Grounding.
                    ~ MH-47 News - Funding Concerns.
                    ~ MH-47 News - Radiation Tests.
               - Georgia Chinooks.
               - Germany Chinooks.
               - Greek Chinooks.
               - Hawaiian Chinooks.
               - Iowa's Chinooks.
               - Iraq Chinook Operations.
               - Italy's Chinooks.
               - Italy Chinook Operations.
               - Kentucky Chinooks.
               - Korea Chinook Operations.
                    ~ A Crash in the Phillipines.
                    ~ Chinooks transport the U.S. Soccer Team.
               - Korean Chinooks.
                    ~ Korean Chinook Hits Bridge.
               - Michigan Chinooks.
               - Mississippi Chinooks.
               - Montana Chinooks.
               - New York Chinooks.
               - Nevada Chinooks.
               - North Carolina Chinooks.
                    ~ A Change of Command in Flipper Country.
                    ~ Hurricane Floyd.
                    ~ Hurricane Mitch.
                    ~ Flipper Folks Photo Gallery.
                    ~ Former Flipper Dave Snow Fatality.
                    ~ Untold Secrets.
                    ~ Former Flipper Tim Newman fatality.
               - Ohio Chinooks.
               - Oregon Chinooks.
               - Pennsylvania Chinooks.
               - Taiwan Chinooks.
               - United Kindom Chinooks.
                    ~ Saif Sareea.
               - Vietnam Chinooks.
               - Washington Chinooks.
          O  Nose Art.
          O  Operations.
          O  Origins.
          O  Patches.
          O  Photographs.
          O  Pilot Reports.
          O  Pinnacle Landings.
          O  Posters from the D Model Fielding era.
          O  Publications.
          O  Saving an Ichthyosaur.
          O  Screen Savers.
          O  Sling Loads.
          O  Standards.
               - The Aft Pylon.
               - The Aft Shaft.
               - The Aft Transmission.
               - The Auxiliary Power Unit (APU).
               - The Chinook Armament.
               - The Chinook Avionics.
               - The Rotor System.
               - The Cargo Hooks.
               - The Combining Transmission.
               - The Cockpit.
               - The Drive Train.
               - The Electrical System.
               - The Engine Transmission.
               - The Engine.
               - The Flight Controls.
               - The Forward Pylon.
               - The Forward Transmission.
               - The Fuel System.
               - The Landing Gear.
               - The Main Cabin.
               - The Nose Compartment.
               - The Ramp.
               - The Rotor Head.
               - The Utility Hydraulics System.
          O  Tandem Notes.
          O  Technical Reports.
          O  Terms of Use.
          O  Unique Loads.
          O  Videos.
          O  WebCam.
          O  What's New?



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          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


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Last updated: 02/05/2012 14:13:41