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          Pegasus Sling Loads



A Pennsylvania Army National Guard Chinook slings the Stars and Stripes after 9-11.

             Company G - "Nomads", of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard sling the "Stars and Stripes" shortly after 9-11.



          - Ash and Trash -


          "So that others may fly again."



             Introducing our collection of sling load photographs. Over the years, the Boeing CH-47 Chinook helicopter has carried a variety of external loads in support of many a customer.
A typical Chinook sling load - his little buddy is tagging along as well waiting for his chance to take a ride.


             You may note that Chinooks spend an inordinate amount of time recovering our less fortunate brethren, thereby making it possible that one day, they too, may fly again. 'Course, some of them need a little more repair than others...



A UH-60 "Blackhawk" gets a lift from a CH-47D "Chinook".

             A UH-60 "Blackhawk" gets a lift from a CH-47D "Chinook". Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version.



             If you have a photo that you would like to share with the rest of the world, please send it in:



             Often the external cargo is not recognizable to us here at the news desk, so please be sure to give us the details - tail number, date, place, what the heck it is you were hauling before you punched it off...etc.



Air Force UH-60 Pavehawk slung out by an Oregon Army National Guard Chinook near Mt Hood.



             Above, an Oregon Army National Guard Chinook belonging to Detachment 1, Company E, 168th Aviation - "Dust Devils", located in Pendleton, slings an Air Force UH-60 Pave Hawk after it bumped into Mt. Hood during a rescue attempt at the 11,000 foot level. Below, a gentle touch down sets the crashed Hawk on it's mast. Click-N-Go Here to read more.



Air Force UH-60 Pavehawk slung out by an Oregon Army National Guard Chinook near Mt Hood.



A 178th Assault Support Helicopter Company - "Boxcars" Chinook returns a damaged UH-1 Huey to Chu Lai in the Republic of Vietnam, circa 1967.


             A 178th Assault Support Helicopter Company - "Boxcars" Chinook returns a damaged UH-1 Huey to Chu Lai in the Republic of Vietnam, circa 1967.



An Australian Chinook transports an old Mirage fighter aircraft to Tyndal Air Force Base in the Northwest Territories, circa 2001.


             An Australian Chinook transports an old Mirage fighter aircraft to Tyndal Air Force Base for restoration in the Northwest Territories, circa 2001.



87-00112, owned and operated by "Big Windy" moves a diabled U.S. Air Force F-15 Eagle from Spangdahlem AFB to Bitburg AFB on 9 September 1993.


             87-00112, owned and operated by F Company- "Big Windy", 159th Aviation Regiment, located at Giebelstadt in the Federal Republic of Germany, moves a disabled U.S. Air Force F-15 Eagle from Bitburg AFB to Spangdahlem AFB on 9 September 1993.



85-24335 slinging a Hind.


             Taken in 1993, the photograph above shows 85-24335, belonging to C Company - "Flippers", 159th Aviation Regiment (formerly the 196th ASHC), located at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, lifting a captured Iraqi MI-24 Hind helicopter from Simmons Army Airfield to the main post parade field for a Gulf War Ceremony. It is believed the Hind helicopter's weight was estimated at 21,500 lbs. The Crew was CW3 Pat Trotter, CW3 Bob Oros, SGT Ralph Wood and SPC John Say. The captured aircraft was obtained during the 1990-1991 Desert Shield / Desert Storm operation.



An AH-1 recovery in Korea, date unknown.


A CH-47C Chinook recovers a downed AH-1 Cobra in Korea.



A CH-47C Chinook recovers a downed UH-1 Huey in Korea, date unknown.


A CH-47C Chinook recovers a downed UH-1 Huey in Korea.



A CH-47D recovery of a downed Honduran UH-1 helicopter.


             Soto Cano Air Base, Palmerola, Honduras (CHN) -- Utilizing the awesome power of the Chinook, a team of U.S. soldiers, sailors and airmen pulled up the wreckage of a Honduran Air Force UH-1H "Huey" helicopter on 9 September 2000, that had crashed and sunk 35 feet to the bottom of a reservoir in central Honduras. Click-N-Go Here to view a .pdf file containing more information on the recovery operation.



An Afghan MIG-21 wreck is lifted by CH-47D Chinook 86-01649 at Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan, circa 2002.



             An Afghan MiG-21 wreck is lifted out of Bagram Air Base via 86-01649, a CH-47D helicopter belonging to the B Company - "Hercules", 159th Aviation Battalion, from Hunter Army Airfield, located at Fort Stewart, Georgia. B Company is part of the 18th Airborne Corps, headquartered at Fort Bragg, North Carolina [2002, exact date unknown].



An Afghan MIG-21 wreck is lifted by CH-47D Chinook 86-01649 at Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan, circa 2002.



A PBY lift by a Singapore BV-234 Chinook in Texas. Warrant Officer Tim McCall was one of the pilots of the CH-47D transporting the Catalina.


             A PBY lift by a Singapore BV-234 Chinook in Texas. Warrant Officer Tim McCall was one of the pilots of the CH-47D transporting the Catalina.



A CH-47D slings a stricken Danish F-16 out of a mine field.


             Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan, 19 December 2002: A Royal Danish Air Force (RDAF) F-16A was significantly damaged when it ran off the end of the runway. The pilot landed at night after a weather divert into Bagram Air Base but could not stop the aircraft on the wet runway. The runway was reportedly very slick due to moisture and dust. There was no arresting gear available and the pilot elected to eject - a successful event and without injury. The aircraft came to a stop in a mine field. The nose landing gear collapsed, the radome was damaged, the targeting pod was torn off, and the engine ingested foreign objects, thus sustaining damage (FOD). The damaged aircraft was successfully hoisted from the mine field by CH-47D Chinook helicopter 85-24336. The crew performing the lift mission was CW4 Pat Trotter, CW4 Lee Glowacki, SSG Chris Cook, and SGT Grant Farmer. The helicopter and crew were assigned to C Company - "Flippers", 159th Aviation Regiment, home based at Simmons Army Airfield, Fort Bragg, North Carolina.



A CH-47D Chinook transporting the NASA X-40A spacecraft.


             On 31 January 2001, CW4 Larry G. Butler pilots Bearcat 1 as it slings the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) experimental X-40A spacecraft in the vicinity of the Dryden Space Center. The X-40A was lifted to 18,000 feet and released to test the ability of the craft to return to Earth. This was Larry's last flight while on active duty with the U.S. Army.



An RAF Linx is transported via an HC-2 Chinook helicopter.


             During Operation TELIC - military contingency preparations related to Iraq, a Lynx, minus it's rotors, is transported to HMS Ocean from RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus, by an HC-2 Chinook in January 2003.



Hookin a Sub.


             Apparently, someone let out just a little bit too much line from the winch and caught more than they bargained for...



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          Related Information



          CH-47A Utilization and Employment Handbook


          The Cargo Hook



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


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Last updated: 12/23/2016 23:52:06