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A Chinook assigned to the 205th Assault Support Helicopter Company (ASHC) "Geronimos" transports fuel blivets at Finthen Army Airfield, West Germany, circa 1987. If you can read this, you are too close.
   A Chinook assigned to the 205th Assault Support Helicopter Company (ASHC) "Geronimos" transports fuel blivets at Finthen Army Airfield, West Germany, circa 1987.


             The Boeing CH-47D "Chinook" is a twin turbine engine, tandem rotor helicopter designed for transportation of cargo, troops, and weapons during day, night, and instrument conditions. The helicopter is powered by two Lycoming T55-L-712 shaft turbine engines capable of providing 4500 shaft horsepower. Mounted externally on the underside of the fuselage are three cargo hooks capable of lifting sling loads up to 26,000 pounds. Depending on fuel available and cargo loading, the approximate range of this helicopter is 300 nautical miles. The minimum crew required to operate the Chinook is a Pilot, Co-pilot, and Flight Engineer.


          Click-N-Go Here to read Boeing's Tandem Notes.


          Information on the CH-47

Is your helicopter safe to fly? Read the latest Safety of Flight messages from the Aviation Missile Command (AMCOM) and find out. The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) website containing an informative article on the life and future of the CH-47 Chinook helicopter. Visit our Makers website -
Got the Right Stuff? Visit the United States Army Aviation School (USAALS) (67U School), located at Fort Eustis, Virginia, and find out what it takes to become a Chinook Flight Engineer. Visit the Warrant Officer Division (WOD) at Headquarters, Department of the Army, and find out what is happening in your world today. Locate a long, lost friend - Visit the CH-47 Chinook Crewmember Locator website.
Keep up to speed on current events, read the Aviation Enlisted Newsletter. Check out some other CH-47 and helicopter related websites. Are you ready to attend the NCO Academy at Fort Rucker? Visit this site to find out.
Staying Safe can mean staying alive - Visit the U.S. Army Safety Center to learn more. The Aviation Missile Command (AMCOM) Program Manager (PM) is responsible for the Army CH-47 Chinook helicopter program. Visit this site to learn more. U.S. Army - A resource for those in need of information on United States Army Aviation.
Learn more about how the helicopter design was conceived, evolved, and became what it is today. The Soldiers Homepage Webring contains Soldier of the Month and Promotion Board study resources. The Rotary Wing Resource Guide website contains many links to all types of resources useful in locating information concerning United States Army Aviation.
The NCOER Resource site contains useful information on how to write an effective NCO Evaluation Report (ER). This space intentionally left as blank as a young Lieutenants mind. This space intentionally left as blank as a young Lieutenants mind.



          Operational CH-47 Chinook Units

Visit the Royal Air Force (RAF) Chinook "Wokka" website located at Odiham, United Kingdom. Visit the 298th Squadron, Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF), located at Soesterberg AFB, The Netherlands. Visit B Company - "Sugarbears South", 1st Battalion, 228th Aviation Regiment, located at Soto Cano Airbase, Honduras.
Visit B Company - "Sugarbears North", 4th Battalion, 123rd Aviation Regiment, located at Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Visit the Oklahoma Hookmasters - Detachment 1, Company G, 149th Aviation. Visit B Company - "Hercules", 159th Aviation Regiment, located at Hunter Army Airfield, Savannah, Georgia.
Visit B Company - "Hillclimbers", 214th Aviation Regiment, located at Wheeler Army Airfield, on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii. Visit Company F, 106th Aviation Regiment. This space intentionally left as empty as a cherry WO1's skull cap.



          Vietnam Era CH-47 Chinook Units

Visit B Company - B Company, 159th Aviation Battalion (ASH) - 'Varsity'. 213th Aviation Support Helicopter Company - 'Blackcats'. 362nd Aviation Company - The Last Hooks in Vietnam.
147th Aviation Assault Helicopter Company - 'Hillclimbers'. 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion. Guns - A - Go Go (Vietnam era).
The Big Windy Club (Vietnam era). 205th Assault Support Helicopter Company - 'Geronimos'. 178th Assault Support Helicopter Company - 'Boxcars'.
243rd Assault Support Helicopter Company - 'Freight Train'. 179th Assault Support Helicopter Company - 'The Boat Dock'. 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company - 'Muleskinners'.
271st Assault Support Helicopter Company - 'Innkeepers'. Other Vietnam era helicopter units.



          CH-47 Helicopters for Hire

  Columbia Helicopters  



          CH-47 Maintenance Work Stands


A maintenance work stand for the CH-47 from Precision Lift, Inc.
Precision Lift, Inc.



          CH-47 Related Sites

Chinook Crews AISA  



          CH-47 Related Publications Sources

FM 1-301 FM 1-500 FM 1-513
USARAK Pubs MTMCTEA Ref 98-55-21  



          Chinook Resources and Art

CH-47 Pilot References. Guns-A-Go-Go Artwork and Models by Frank White. Wings - Daleville, Alabama.



          Websites with tidbits of CH-47 Info

The Imperial Iranian Air Force. AirCombat.  



          CH-47 Scale Model Sources

Pacific Products. World Air Corps. Aviation Models Store.
Phoenix Model Company. Motion Models. Models By
Phoenix Model Company. Frank White's homemade "Birth Control". Dave's Web Shop




          Visit another fine Boeing aircraft.

          Memphis Belle

          Nightstalkers Website

          University of Alaska

          University of California Museum of Paleontology

          Chinook Winds - Cabins in Talkeetna, Alaska



          Know any good CH-47 Links? Drop us a line...


          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


          Comments or Questions ? Email the Webmaster. Email the Webmaster.    


Last updated: 01/07/2021 20:06:48