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          Boeing MH-47E Model Chinook Helicopters

          In service to the United States Army



A MH-47E at Sunset.



Nightstalkers Unit Crest.
   Beginning with the E model prototype, 88-00267, manufactured in 1991, there were a total of 26 Special Operations Aircraft produced. All aircraft were
          assigned to an elite unit of highly trained and motivated personnel known as the "Nightstalkers", home based at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. 24 of the E models were conversions from CH-47C model airframes. Two airframes were conversions from Augusta built C models.

             At some point in 2001, several MH-47E Chinook helicopters were assigned to a then newly formed detachment in the Republic of Korea (South Korea). When the war on terrorism was started on 11 September 2001, two of the aircraft were dispatched to the Philippines to aid the government of that country in the process. In early 2002, at least one aircraft was lost unexpectedly at night as it crashed into the waters off the coast of Basilan Island.

             Compared to the standard D model Chinook, the MH-47E has increased fuel capacity, including an aerial refueling capability, upgraded engines, improved terrain following/terrain avoidance radar, and a Forward-Looking Infrared (FLIR) imaging capability for low-level, night, adverse weather insertion and extraction of special operations troops. The MH-47E has consistently demonstrated superior range, lifting capacity, communications, navigation, and survivablity. It can operate from a variety of Navy ships. The MH-47E can be armed with M134 7.62mm miniguns.

             Most E model airframes were utilized in the production of the G model version of the helicopter. There are no surviving E model Chinook helicopters and, unfortunately, very little documented history of the E model fleet.

             Read a brief summary of the disposition of the E model Chinook helicopter - Click-N-Go Here.


          Click-N-Go on an underlined tail number to read more about a specific Chinook.


88-00267 90-00414 91-00496 91-00497 91-00498
91-00499 91-00500 91-00501 92-00400 92-00401
92-00402 92-00403 92-00464 92-00465 92-00466
92-00467 92-00468 92-00469 92-00470 92-00471
92-00472 92-00473 92-00474 92-00475 92-00476



U.S. Army Special Forces Soldiers board an MH-47E Chinook from the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, for infiltration training in Queensland, Australia, during joint/combined Exercise Talisman Sabre 2005.

             U.S. Army Special Forces Soldiers board an MH-47E Chinook from the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR) - "Nightstalkers", for infiltration training in Queensland, Australia, during joint/combined Exercise Talisman Sabre 2005. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version.



          -- Notes --



          Augusta Conversions


Augusta Tail Number
U.S. Army Tail Number


             Two of the 26 E models produced were conversions from previous Augusta manufactured C models. The Augusta C models were acquired by the U.S. Government in 1985 as a result of the fall of the Shah of Iran in 1979. Originally built for the Imperial Iranian Air Corps, they were never delivered. To read more about the Iranian Chinook helicopters - Click-N-Go Here.



          Related Information

          E Model Specs



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


          Comments or Questions ? Email the Webmaster. Email the Webmaster.    


Last updated: 12/22/2016 11:11:57