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          Turds and Duds Department


          People who should be banned from Chinooks



             THAT GUY, August 2014: Ever meet anybody in the Chinook community who would stab their buddies in the back with lies, half-truths, and innuendo solely for the purpose of making themselves look real good and to get the other guy fired so he could get their job?

             There's a guy who couldn't get or hold a job and who was hired by an old friend as a courtesy favor to help him out - even after the boss was warned by everyone not to do so based on this schmuck's demonstrated track record of screwing everyone he knows.

             What would you think when you found out about a guy who lived with his brother in Hawaii (2010-2011) and payed no rent, for say 4 months, while collecting full daily lodging ($177/day) and per diem and charging it to the government? $177/day for 4 months equals $21,240 tax payer dollars claimed for TDY but not earned. Nobody on the Team new about his actions until he confesses his scam while the Team was in Alaska in 2012.

             Hey retirees, you folks out there who put in at least 20 years of service to your country and earned the privileges that come with retirement. What would you think of a guy who failed to turn in his CW2 active duty identification card like the law requires when you exit the service? What would you think of a guy who then used that ID card to enter the PX and Commissary to purchase items when he is not even authorized to enter those facilities?

             Are these kinds of activities not reason enough to revoke a security clearance?

             Here we have a guy who was put through the CH-47F Aircraft Qualification Course at great expense while the NET Team was located in Millville, New Jersey in 2010. He barely passed the course and was restricted to copilot duties only as a civilian contract pilot. He was only allowed to fly with an Instructor Pilot. He never gained pilot in command status.

             His skills continued to deteriorate to the point that when the team relocated to Hawaii at the end of the year he was removed from flight status. He became, essentially, an office boy.

             What would you think of a guy who formed an LLC, with him as the owner, for the express purpose of renting TDY living quarters to himself so he could charge the government the maximum lodging and per diem rate? A scheme tried not once, but twice - in Fairbanks, Alaska (2012) and again in Savannah, Georgia (2013).

             So, we have a guy drawing illegal TDY payments and attempting to scam the government for even more money with his LLC scheme.

             He was told to cease and desist by the boss and that's when he hatched his evil plan to get the boss fired and sieze the opportunity to get his job.

             At the end of the NETT contract in November 2012, this guy goes to a vice president of S3 Incorporated, and explains to him how the boss has been illegally operating the aircraft without AMCOM's permission, joy riding, and doing all sorts of unauthorized flights. He also tells the VP that the boss is under federal investigation for the unauthorized activities and the collection of fraudulent TDY per diem funds. None of his stories have any basis in fact or reality. It is he - that guy - who is collecting the funds illegally. But this guy's concocted fairy tail is enough that S3 won't retain the boss at the end of the contract.

             He also explains to the VP, and then repeats it to senior AMCOM personnel, that the boss allowed one member of the team to take months off while still logging hours on his time card. The truth is the team member he made the story up about was on leave without pay and didn't charge any time to the government at any time.

             The truth is, while the boss was on vacation - this guy takes ten work days to complete a Diving Instructor course in Hawaii all the while logging time on his time card that was billed to the government. The boss fixed it when he was told what was going on thus saving the taxpayers from fraud.

             How about a guy who is wearing Army Master Aviator Wings that he never earned because he was passed over for promotion to CW3 and kicked out of the Army before he could earn them?

             Why was he kicked out of the Army? One of the reasons, it may seem, is that he got himself into a bar fight in which he damaged property. He wound up with either a misdemeanor or a felony conviction (seems like it changes everytime he tells the story).

             After the Army, seems he joined the National Guard unit located at Olathe, Kansas. It didn't take them long to figure this guy out and they dismissed him from service there. He tried to join the National Guard at Fort Eustis, but they had already heard enough about this guy and they wouldn't take him.

             When the NET team was working out of Millville, New Jersey, this guy has to fill out paperwork for Boeing in order to be allowed on Boeing property. He lies or otherwise leaves out that prior conviction and Boeing does a background check and discovers it. They get mad enough to boot him from the property. It takes considerable effort by the boss he would eventually screw to convince Boeing to allow him back on the property.

             This guys paperwork and historical reputation is so bad that when the fleet was deployed north to Alaska, the Canadian goverment denied him entry into their fine country. Hell - they don't even want him around.

             And, it was on the trip to field aircraft to Alaska, while still in CONUS, where this guy once again attempts to defraud the government by submitting inflated travel vouchers for car rental charges and enormous tips. S3 denies the charges and this guy has a severe emotional fit over it.

             So, this a guy who gets hired as an Operations Manager for the NET team and was directly responsible for entering all the aviator flight time into the records system, including his own. Then, word of mouth information spread indicating he has been telling folks he was a pilot in command of F model Chinooks - when in fact he has no more than 30 hours in the aircraft including the 15 hours spent in the aircraft qualification course and the continual refesher training he has under gone.

             And all the while he is responsible for maintenance of the team aviator flight records, he manages to fail to record thousands of real flight time hours for several team crew members.

             And this guy, who touts he has done everything you have done - only much better - professes to have 7,000 hours of flight time. Hmm, seems he cannot prove that and nobody has ever seen a logbook on him. Of course he doesn't have to prove it. He was hired to enter and account for the flight time (including his own) in the computer database and the records were his to adjust as necessary.

             Most people with 7,000 hours of flight time display a vast knowledge of aviation and have good judgement. This guy flys like a 30 hour pilot and has a very limited understanding of anything with wings.

             He has no skills or advanced training beyond the F model AQC course - is still only a very, very weak copilot (in name only). 'Course, he'll be the first one to tell ya he could easily challenge and pass the Instructor Pilot's Course.

             Another piece of the real story. Without his employers permission - That Guy just takes two weeks in the Spring of 2013 and goes off to Hawaii for vacation. Just up and decides all by himself to take off without anybody knowing where he went. And guess what - he logs all the time on his time card as hours to be billed to the government. He also rents a car and tries to bill that to the Government. Plain and simple - really illegal fraud, waste and abuse. Luckily the boss corrected the time card and entered No Pay Due and denied the car charges.

   Why is this guy still employed and not in jail?

             As of mid-August 2013, he still couldn't pass an instrument checkride...and none of the line SPs, IPs, MPs, MEs, SIs, FIs or FEs will fly with him. His is considered a safety of flight issue in the cockpit.

             At the end of August, as it turns out, somebody finally got wise and terminated this loser for Theft By Deception.



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


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Last updated: 09/16/2017 19:39:05