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SP6 Hugh Buzzell with "Miss Bev" - 66-00077.

             SP6 Hugh Buzzell with "Miss Bev" - 66-00077. SP6 Buzzell was transferred to B Company, 228th ASHB from the Guns-A-Go-Go unit. Prior to SP6 Buzzell's assignment to the aircraft, "Miss Bev" was a downed aircraft recovery ship. He only made 2 or 3 of all those recoveries. Note he is wearing the Go-Go pocket patch.



             66-00077, Boeing build number B-209, was a CH-47A helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date was 11 July 1966. 66-00077 accumulated 3,768.3 aircraft hours.

   At some point, 66-00077 was assigned to B Company - "Longhorns", 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion (ASHB), located at various time periods at either An Khe, Red Beach/LZ Sharron, or Bear Cat, in the Republic of Vietnam (RVN).

   66-00077, a.k.a. "Balls 77", was utilized extensively in downed aircraft recovery operations.

   66-00077 was the first "Hook" from B Company, 228th, to go into the Ashau Valley on 19 April 68 and the first MEDEVAC (medical evacuation) helicopter to come back out.

   On 19 April 1985, 66-00077 was inducted into the D model program and converted to 85-24341.

   The last known location of 66-00077 was at Boeing during the conversion.

   Aircraft status: Converted to D model.



          This aircraft was piloted by:


          Major Ralph Jackson, Aircraft Commander, 1968.


          WO Steve Carr, Copilot, 1968.


          Your Name Here.



          This aircraft was crewed by:


          SP6 Hugh L. Buzzell, Flight Engineer, March 1968 - October 1968.


          SP5 Paul Redmon, Crew Chief, 1968.


          Lynn "Tom" Thompson, Door Gunner, 1968.


          Your Name Here.



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Last updated: 09/16/2017 14:55:28