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             66-00079, Boeing build number B-211, was a CH-47A helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date was 20 July 1966. The administrative strike date was 10 November 1971. 66-00079 accumulated at least 2,656.0 aircraft hours.

   At some point, 66-00079 was assigned to the unit that would eventually become C Company - "Flippers", 159th Aviation Regiment, located at Simmons Army Airfield, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. C Company was the former 196th Assault Support Helicopter Company (ASHC). The 196th ASHC was re-designated A Company, 2nd Battalion, 159th Aviation Regiment in approximately 1988. In September 1996, 2nd Battalion was deactivated and the unit was re-designated A Company, 159th Aviation Regiment and became directly subordinate to the 18th Aviation Brigade. In approximately November 1996, the unit was redesignated as C Company, 159th Aviation Regiment. As of 22 March 2001, the 18th Aviation Brigade was located at Simmons Army Airfield and was subordinate to the 18th Airborne Corps. The 18th Airborne Corps was subordinate to Forces Command (FORSCOM), which was a major command (MACOM) of 2nd Army.

   66-00079 was assigned to the 196th ASHC when that unit deployed to the Republic of Vietnam.

   At some point, 66-00079 was transferred to the 241st Vietnamese Air Force (VNAF) and was lost due to an accident.

   At an unknown location, 66-00079 suffered from an explosion in the right aft section of the aircraft while on approach. No hostile ground fire was reported. There was the possibility that one of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) soldiers dropped a grenade in the cabin. Of the approximately 40 troops that were on board, there were nine injuries and 28 fatalities.

   The last known location of 66-00079 was in the Republic of Vietnam.

   Aircraft status: Crashed.



          This aircraft was piloted by:


          Your Name Here.



          This aircraft was crewed by:



          SP4 Wilson Hubbell, Crew Chief, 1968


          SP5 Charles Marshen, Flight Engineer, 1966


          Your Name Here.



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


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Last updated: 09/16/2017 14:55:30