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A unit patch from the 242nd Aviation Company - "Muleskinners", from thier days in the Republic of Vietnam.
Property of the

242nd Aviation Company - "Muleskinners"

(Assault Support Helicopter Company)

Republic of Vietnam



Photograph of destroyed CH-47A Chinook at Cu Chi, Republic of Vietnam, tail number unknown.

          CH-47A destroyed by satchel charges, tail number unknown.


             66-19016, Boeing build number B-274, was a CH-47A helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date was 19 November 1966. The administrative strike date was 26 February 1969. 66-19016 accumulated at least 1,499.0 aircraft hours.

   At some point, 66-19016 was assigned to the 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company (ASHC) - "Muleskinners", located at at Cu Chi Base Camp in the Republic of Vietnam, where it remained until it was lost due to enemy action.

   On 26 February 1969, enemy forces from North Vietnam infiltrated the company area and destroyed 66-19016, along with 8 additional CH-47A helicopters, with satchel charges. Another 3 airframes received major damage and 2 airframes had minor damage.

   The last known location of 66-19016 was in the Republic of Vietnam.

   Aircraft status: Destroyed.



Unit History



             An extract from the history of the 242nd Aviation Company (Assault Support Helicopter Company) - "Muleskinners", 269th Aviation Battalion (Combat), 12th Aviation Group (Combat):

1 January 1969 - 31 December 1969

Prepared by CW2 Lawrence M. Cain, Unit Historical Officer

....Then tragedy struck in the form of a vicious enemy sapper attack on the "North Forty" Chinook parking area. One crew member was killed (SP4 Isaac Stringer, Jr.) and 5 wounded with aircraft losses totaling 9 destroyed, 3 with major damage and 2 with minor damage. Around the clock work by the dedicated men of the 242d returned the unit to fully operational in 10 days...



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Last updated: 09/16/2017 14:57:02