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Possibly a change of command ceremony sometime in the spring of 1986 - pictured is 67-18477 along with members of the owning unit. At that time the unit was Detachment 2, 179th Aviation Company located at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. The unit eventually became Detachment 2, Company A, 2nd Battalion, 158th Aviation Regiment. While most of those pictured above are as yet unknown, shown in the second row, last one on the right and kneeling, is SPC Mitch Finley.

             Possibly a change of command ceremony sometime in the spring of 1986 - pictured is 67-18477 along with members of the owning unit. At that time the unit was Detachment 2, 179th Aviation Company located at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. The unit eventually became Detachment 2, Company A, 2nd Battalion, 158th Aviation Regiment. While most of those pictured above are as yet unknown, shown in the second row, last one on the right and kneeling, is SPC Mitch Finley. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



             Sorry, data on this aircraft is not yet available. It takes awhile to sift through all the files and extract useful information. Anything you may wish to offer in the way of photographs and stories concerning this tail number would be greatly appreciated. Just click on the email link below to send us your information. Thanks!



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          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


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Last updated: 09/16/2017 15:22:51