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             67-18511, Boeing build number B-481, was a CH-47C helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date was 22 April 1968. 67-18511 accumulated 2,430.0 aircraft hours.

   At some point, 67-18511 was assigned to 213th Assault Support Helicopter Company (ASHC) - "Blackcats", 19th Aviation Battalion, 17th Aviation Group, 8th Army, located at Camp Humphreys (near Pyongtaek - south of Seoul), in the Republic of Korea (ROK) (South Korea).

   67-18511 remained assigned to the Blackcats Company until it was lost in an accident on 2 March 1977.

   On 2 March 1977, 67-18511 was conducting a classified operational air mission in support of nuclear surety with two other aircraft when the crew encountered weather below visual flight rules (VFR) minima over mountainous terrain about 20 miles southeast of Pyongtaek. The flight was proceeding from Camp Humphreys to Camp Ames when dense fog and rain prevented them from landing at Camp Ames. The aircraft struck a set of three to six 1 1/4 inch high tension power cables and was destroyed. The airframe caught fire and burnt during the crash sequence.

   The crew of four received fatal injuries.

   The last known location of 67-18511 was in South Korea.

   Aircraft status: Crashed.



          This aircraft was piloted by:


          CW2 Guy E. Laughlin Jr., Pilot, 1977 (Fatality)


          CPT Edward A. Dostal, copilot, 1977 (Fatality)


          Your Name Here.



          This aircraft was crewed by:


          SP6 Granville W. Morgan, Flight Engineer, 1977 (Fatality)


          SP5 James W. Smith, Crew Chief, 1977 (Fatality)


          Your Name Here.



          Related Sites


          67-18511 Mishap Report


          Goldbook Information



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


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Last updated: 09/16/2017 15:25:36