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205th Assault Support Helicopter Company, unit patch, Fall 2012.
Property of the

205th Aviation Company - " Geronimos "


Finthen Army Airfield, Germany




September 1974: CH-47C Chinook helicopter 71-20952 pays a visit to the International Airshow at Farnborough Airbase (FAB / EGLF), United Kingdon (UK) - England.

             September 1974: CH-47C Chinook helicopter 71-20952 pays a visit to the International Airshow at Farnborough Airbase (FAB / EGLF), United Kingdon (UK) - England. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



             71-20952, Boeing build number B-686, was a CH-47C helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date was 29 September 1972. 71-20952 accumulated 2,383.0 aircraft hours.

   At some point, 71-20952 was assigned to the 205th Assault Support Helicopter Company (ASHC) - "Geronimos",4th Transportation Command (TRANSCOM), located at Finthen Army Airfield, near Mainz-Finthen, Federal Republic of Germany, through an unknown end date.

   On 26 August 1988, 71-20952 was inducted into the D model program and converted to 88-00097.

   The last known location of 88-00097 was at Boeing during the conversion.

   Aircraft status: Converted to D model.



             Mark Morgan writes: I remember distinctly flying this aircraft with Wayne Roberts during many a test flight. During the period the 205th was converting to D models we had to get the old C model fleet ready to transfer out to other units. The unit was also going through the process of converting the rotor blades from metal to fiberglass. By converting from metal to fiberglass, as well as installing L-712 engines to replace the L-11, on the airframes prior to induction into the D model upgrade program the apparent cost of the conversion to D model seemed cheaper on paper - somehow. 952 had a serious blade track issue and we flew it for at least 25 hours attempting to resolve it. Finally we just got it good enough to fly to the port and send it on its way. I am pretty sure it was destined for Hawaii when we turned it into supply.



September 1974: CH-47C Chinook helicopter 71-20952 pays a visit to the International Airshow at Farnborough Airbase (FAB / EGLF), United Kingdon (UK) - England.

             September 1974: CH-47C Chinook helicopter 71-20952 pays a visit to the International Airshow at Farnborough Airbase (FAB / EGLF), United Kingdon (UK) - England. The old style metal rotor blades are readily apparent in this photograph. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



September 1974: CH-47C Chinook helicopter 71-20952 pays a visit to the International Airshow at Farnborough Airbase (FAB / EGLF), United Kingdon (UK) - England.

             September 1974: CH-47C Chinook helicopter 71-20952 pays a visit to the International Airshow at Farnborough Airbase (FAB / EGLF), United Kingdon (UK) - England. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



          This aircraft was piloted by:


          WO1/CW2 Mark S. Morgan, Pilot, 1985 - 1988

          CW4 Floyd Wayne "Rubberhead" Roberts, Maintenance Test Pilot, 1985 - 1988

          Your Name Here.



          This aircraft was crewed by:


          SSG Moe Balkum, Flight Engineer, 1977 - 1981

          Your Name Here.



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


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Last updated: 09/16/2017 15:45:45