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             84-24186, Boeing D model kit number M3090, was a CH-47D helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date was 27 November 1985. As of 21 July 1999, 84-24186 had accumulated 3,390.7 D model hours and 7,103.7 total aircraft hours.

   84-24186 was a conversion from the original A model Chinook 63-07918.

   On 31 May 1984, 84-24186 was inducted into the D model program, converted, and initially assigned to the 132nd Assault Support Helicopter Company (ASHC) - "Hercules", Hunter Army Airfield, Fort Stewart, near Savannah, Georgia.

   The 132nd ASHC was redesignated B Company, 2nd Battalion, 159th Aviation Regiment in approximately November 1988.

   In September 1996, 2nd Battalion was deactivated and the unit was redesignated B Company, 159th Aviation Regiment. B Company became a subordinate unit to the 18th Aviation Brigade.

   As of 5 March 2001, the 18th Aviation Brigade was located at Simmons Army Airfield, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and was subordinate to the 18th Airborne Corps.

   The 18th Airborne Corps was subordinate to Forces Command (FORSCOM), which was a major command (MACOM) of the 2nd Army.

   84-24186 deployed with B Company to Southwest Asia and accumulated 88.1 aircraft hours in support of Operation Desert Shield / Storm.

   As of 7 August 2007, 84-24186 was 42.8 years old.

   On or about 7 August 2007, the power train (blades, engines and transmissions, etc.) of 84-24186 was cannabilized for the production of F model Chinook helicopter 07-08041 (Build Number M8041) and the airframe was scrapped.

   Total airframe time when scrapped was 7,103.7 hours.

   As of 7 August 2007, the last known location of 84-24186 was at Summit Aviation Incorporated, Middletown, Delaware.

   Aircraft status: Scrapped.



          This aircraft was piloted by:


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          This aircraft was crewed by:


          SPC Anthony Simpson, Crew Chief, 1986



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          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


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Last updated: 09/16/2017 16:01:49