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As of today, this airframe is 57.25 years old.



             Sorry, data on this aircraft is not yet available. It takes awhile to sift through all the files and extract useful information. Anything you may wish to offer in the way of photographs and stories concerning this tail number would be greatly appreciated. Just click on the email link below to send us your information. Thanks!



CH-47D Chinook 87-00071 in Honduras providing disaster relief after Hurricane Mitch pays a visit.

             Villagers from Casamacoa, Honduras, carry relief supplies away from a U.S. Army CH-47D Chinook helicopter, tail number 87-00071, on 20 November 1998. The helicopter, assigned to C Company - "Flippers", 159th Aviation Regiment, 18th Aviation Brigade, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, carried 11,000 pounds of food and clothing to the village. Over 1,800 U.S. service members are helping to rush food, shelter, pure water and medical aid to the many made homeless by Hurricane Mitch. A total of ten Chinook helicopters were dispatched to Central America to provide aid. Five helicopters were from C Company and the other five were from B Company - "Hercules", 159th Aviation Regiment, 18th Aviation Brigade, located at Hunter Army Airfield, Savannah, Georgia. The Task Force was led by Major Peri A. Anest, Commander of the Flippers. The Task Force self-deployed over 2,000 miles in four days to reach the disaster area.



87-00071 at a military compound north of Managua, Nicaragua, circa late 1998.

             In late 1998, possibly January 1999, 87-00071 was dispatched from Honduras to Manugua, Nicaragua, to provide assistance to the Red Cross and other organizations delivering aid to that area after Hurricane Mitch. The photograph was taken at a military compound north of the city. Pictured (left to right) are: Unknown, SGT Angelo Minardi, Unknown Vendl ??, CW2 Dave Snow, CW3 Mark Morgan. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version of this image.



          This aircraft was piloted by:


          CW4 Stephen L. Koritko, PC / MTP, 2006 - 2009


          WO1 - CW4 Mark S. Morgan, PC / MTP, 1987 - 1992/1993 - 2000


          CW2 Dave Snow, Instructor Pilot, 1998 - 1999


          Your Name Here.



          This aircraft was crewed by:


          SGT Lucas Ferguson, Crew Chief, 2006 - 2009


          SGT Angelo Minardi, Flight Engineer, 1998 -1999


          Your Name Here.



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


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Last updated: 09/16/2017 16:17:20