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As of today, this airframe is 61.33 years old.



15 April 2009: 92-00302, an Army National Guard CH-47D Chinook helicopter, drops several one-ton sandbags on the spill-way of the Clausen Springs Dam near Kathryn, North Dakota. The one-ton sandbags are being lowered and positioned into a place on the dam spillway so that they will divert over-flowing water away from an eroding area of the dam, caused by high water levels.

             15 April 2009: 92-00302, an Army National Guard CH-47D Chinook helicopter, drops several one-ton sandbags on the spill-way of the Clausen Springs Dam near Kathryn, North Dakota. The one-ton sandbags are being lowered and positioned into a place on the dam spillway so that they will divert over-flowing water away from an eroding area of the dam, caused by high water levels. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



             92-00302, Boeing D model kit number M3443, was a CH-47D helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date was 25 October 1993. As of 22 June 1998, 92-00302 had accumulated 195.0 D model hours and 3,682.6 total aircraft hours. 92-00302 was a conversion from the original A model Chinook 62-02123. On 9 September 1992, 92-00302 was inducted into the D model program, converted, and initially scheduled for assignment to the Army National Guard, located in the State of Hawaii. As of June 1995, 92-00302 was assigned to Army Aviation Support Facility (AASF) located at Fort Ruger, Hawaii. At some point, 92-00302 was transferred to the Army National Guard located in the State of Minnesota. In the Summer of 2008, 92-00302 underwent RESET maintenance at Fort Lewis, Washington under the auspices of Lear-Seigler Incorporated (LSI). RESET was a program designed to return the airframe back to its pre-deployment condition following operations in the combat theater. The airframe was disassembled to its basic structure, cleaned, spot painted, and reassembled for test flight. Beginning in August 2008, the aircraft was in test flight status. The test flight was completed in short order leaving only the compass swing to accomplish. During the exhaustive compass swing procedure it was discovered that a repair was performed in the aft pylon near the compass flux valve using steel. The steel repair caused a massive error in the compass system and the repair was eventually reaccomplished. As of 1 January 2002, this aircraft was 38.1 years old. As of October 2008, the last known location of 92-00302 was at Gray Army Airfield, Fort Lewis, Washington, awaiting unit pickup. Aircraft status: Flyable.



October 2008: 92-00302 ready for a maintenance test flight following completion of RESET maintenance at Fort Lewis, Washington.

             October 2008: 92-00302 ready for a maintenance test flight following completion of RESET maintenance at Fort Lewis, Washington. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



          This aircraft was piloted by:


          CIV Mark S. Morgan, PC/MTP/CFI/II, 2008.


          CIV Alex Bromen, PC/MTP, 2008.


          Your Name Here.


          This aircraft was crewed by:


          CIV Paul Impson, FE, 2008.


          CIV Darryl Miyaji, OR, 2008.


          SGT William Pace, FE, 2009 - 2010.


          Your Name Here.



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Last updated: 09/16/2017 17:08:29