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          Night Vision






          A Shot in the Dark



             Nothing can hide from the Chinook Aircrew wearing the latest and greatest in Night Vision apparel. The night just seems to come alive. A tad bit green, but none the less we can see it all from a long way off.

             Amongst other things, wearing the Goggles makes it easy to spot those in need of assistance.

             We are always eager to help our fellow Hookers, especially our Brothers from Savannah.

             Can you spot the broken aircraft? It's the one without the Dolphin painted on the tail. The one with all the parts piled up next to it. Good thing they always bring their own ground transportation. If you are still having trouble seeing it, just pass your mouse over the photograph above.



          Night Vision in Afghanistan



             When you're in the dark, you are not always alone. In the March 2002 photograph shown below, a B Company - "Hercules", 159th Aviation Regiment CH-47D Chinook glows in the dark like a roman candle. B Company, a subordinate unit of the 18th Aviation Brigade, 18th Airborne Corps, and normally stationed at Hunter Army Airfield near Savannah, Georgia, was deployed temporarily to Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan to help "educate" Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban terrorist network.



Night Vision in Afghanistan.

          Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version.



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


          Comments or Questions ? Email the Webmaster. Email the Webmaster.    


Last updated: 12/23/2016 23:49:44