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          The CH-47 Chinook Aft Pylon Area



The CH-47 Aft Pylon of 87-00090 while under-going a Number One Engine Mount change at Knox Army Airfield,  Fort Rucker, Alabama, 9 November 2005.


             The Aft Pylon of CH-47D Chinook 87-00090 while undergoing a Number One Engine Mount change at Knox Army Airfield, Fort Rucker, Alabama, 9 November 2005. Click-N-Go Here to see a larger version.



The CH-47 Aft Pylon of 87-00090 while under-going a Number One Engine Mount change at Knox Army Airfield,  Fort Rucker, Alabama, 9 November 2005.


             The Aft Pylon of CH-47D Chinook 87-00090 while undergoing a Number One Engine Mount change at Knox Army Airfield, Fort Rucker, Alabama, 9 November 2005. Click-N-Go Here to see a larger version.



The CH-47 Aft Pylon of 87-00090 while under-going a Number One Engine Mount change at Knox Army Airfield,  Fort Rucker, Alabama, 9 November 2005.


             The Aft Pylon of CH-47D Chinook 87-00090 while undergoing a Number One Engine Mount change at Knox Army Airfield, Fort Rucker, Alabama, 9 November 2005. Click-N-Go Here to see a larger version.



Removal of the Aft Pylon.


             The Aft Pylon can be removed in about 7 hours to facilitate air transport by larger Air Force aircraft (C5, C17), as shown in the above example of a British Royal Air Force (RAF) Chinook with the Aft Pylon removed at Basrah International Airport (BIA), Iraq, in 2005.



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Last updated: 02/05/2012 14:13:52