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          The Electrical Compartments and Components



Electricity and the MH-47 Chinook.

          Electricity and the MH-47 Chinook. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version.



          Number One Power Distribution Panel (PDP)



Relays and Components contained within the Number One Power Distribution Panel.

             (CH-47D) Relays and Components contained within the Number One Power Distribution Panel (#1 PDP), upper portion. Shown here are the following relays: Switched Battery Bus, Number One Transformer-Rectifier Fail, Number One Reverse Current Cut-Out (#1 RCCR) , External Power, and Essential Bus. Also included is an example of a typical electrical busbar, and Terminal Board Number Three (TB3). Notice how each wire is either permanently dye marked or paper labeled providing a means of identifying it. Each wire has a unique number assigned to it. thus making it possible to trace the wire as it passes through the various wire bundles, lightening holes, canon plugs, etc., throughout the airframe. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



Number One PDP circuit breakers.

             (CH-47D) Shown here is the front access panel to the Number One PDP opened up revealing what the array of circuit breakers (CB) looks like. By taking a closer look, an observer can spot the manner in which many of the CBs are tied together via small busbars and/or connected to the individual, associated buses. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



Number One PDP showing the Current Transformers.

             (CH-47D) Bottom left corner of the Number One PDP showing the Number One Main Generator Forward Current Transformers, the 161K9 External Power Relay, and the Number One Main Generator Contactor. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



Number One PDP, bottom right corner, showing the External Power Contactor.

             (CH-47D) Bottom right corner of the Number One PDP, showing the External Power Contactor, the Number One Main Generator Contactor, and TB 59. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



Center of the Number One PDP, showing the External Power Contactor.

             (CH-47D) Center of the Number One PDP, showing the External Power Contactor.   Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



          Number Two Power Distribution Panel (PDP)



Relays and Components contained within the Number Two Power Distribution Panel.

             (CH-47D) Relays and Components contained within the Number Two Power Distribution Panel (#2 PDP), upper portion. Shown here are the following relays: Number Two Reverse Current Cut-Out (#2 RCCR) , DC Crosstie, Number Two Transformer Rectifier Fail, and Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) Generator Slave. Also included is an example of a typical busbar. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



Bottom right corner of the Number Two PDP showing the APU Generator Contactor.

             (CH-47D) Bottom right corner of the Number Two PDP showing the APU Generator Contactor, a Lighting Transformer, the Heater Fan Control Relay (082K1), and the Number Two Main Generator Contactor. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



Center right side of the Number Two PDP showing the APU Generator Contactor.

             (CH-47D) Center right side of the Number Two PDP showing the APU Generator Contactor. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



Center right side of the Number Two PDP showing the Number Two Main Generator Contactor.

             (CH-47D) Center right side of the Number Two PDP showing the Number Two Main Generator Contactor. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



Bottom right corner of the Number Two PDP showing the Current Transformers.

             (CH-47D) Bottom right corner of the Number Two PDP showing the Number Two Main Generator Forward Current Transformers. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



Number Two PDP showing the APU Forward Current Transformers.

             (CH-47D) Bottom left corner of the Number Two PDP showing the Forward APU Generator Current Transformers. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



          Want to know how all this works?


             Download the Student Handout and Powerpoint Slideshow below. Right Click on the link and select "Save Target As" to save the file on your computer.


          CH-47D Electrical System Operation Student Handout


          CH-47D Electrical System Operation Slideshow



          GA-714A Equipped CH-47D Electrical Chart



GA-714A equipped CH-47D electrical layout chart, circa 2007.

             Above, a chart showing the electrical layout of a GA-714A equipped CH-47D Chinook helicopter. Click-N-Go Here for a larger and printable version of the chart.



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          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


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Last updated: 02/05/2012 14:14:18