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           The Rotor Head



The CH-47D Chinook helicopter Forward Rotor Head.

             An exploded view of the CH-47D Chinook helicopter Forward Rotor Head, showing the component breakdown. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



The CH-47D Chinook helicopter Aft Rotor Head.

             The CH-47D Chinook helicopter Aft Rotor Head. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



The CH-47D Chinook helicopter Aft Rotor Head.

             The CH-47D Chinook helicopter Aft Rotor Head. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



The Tie-Bar on the CH-47D Chinook helicopter that holds the main rotor blade onto the rotor head.

             The Tie-Bar, shown here on the forward rotor head of the CH-47D Chinook helicopter, holds the main rotor blade onto the rotor head.



The CH-47D Chinook helicopter Forward Rotor Head.

          The CH-47D Chinook helicopter Forward Rotor Head.



A photograph showing what the H-47 Aft Rotor Head Droop Stop Shrouds look like when installed. These shrouds were designed to prevent ice from building up on the droop stop assemblies that could otherwise jam the mechanism and prevent the stops from positioning properly on engine shutdown. In that event, the aircraft would incur serious damage.

             A photograph showing what the H-47 Aft Rotor Head Droop Stop Shrouds look like when installed. These shrouds were designed to prevent ice from building up on the droop stop assemblies that could otherwise jam the mechanism and prevent the stops from positioning properly on engine shutdown. In that event, the aircraft would incur serious damage. The major disadvantage of the shroud, when installed, was that the Flight Engineer could not see whether the droop stops were in the correct position before the pilot shut down the engines. Normally the Flight Engineer looks for an "H" pattern formed by reflective tape placed around the horizontal hinge pin. Click-N-Go Here to view a labeled version of this image.



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


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Last updated: 02/05/2012 14:14:46