10-08082 |
| B Company - "Sugar Bears" 1st General Support Aviation Battalion (GSAB) 52nd Aviation Regiment Fort Wainwright, Alaska 2012 |
29 March 2012: A slightly used CH-47F Chinook helicopter 10-08082 rests on the ramp at Hunter Army Airfield (KSVN), Fort Stewart, Georgia, awaiting its ferry flight departure to Alaska. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image. |
10-08082, Boeing Vertol Tab Number M8082, was a CH-47F helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date 10 September 2011. As of 10 May 2012, 10-08082 accumulated 94.3 aircraft hours. 10-08082 was a new build airframe with used dynamic components (engines, drive train and some hydraulic components) installed. At some point in 2011 after modifications (M4 Gun Mount, IRSS, ARC-231, Fifth Sensor, Left/Right Cabin Door Gunner's Seat) were completed at Millville Municipal Airport (KMIV), New Jersey, 10-08082 was flown to Hunter Army Airfield (AAF), near Savannah, Georgia. At Hunter AAF, 10-08082 was utilized extensively for the training of multiple flight crews undergoing CH-47F Aircraft Qualification conducted by members of S3 Incorporated New Equipment Training Team (NETT). The NET Team was under contract from the Project Managers Office - Cargo Helcopters, Aviation Missile Command (AMCOM), located at Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama, to conduct the worldwide fielding and training for the CH-47F Chinook helicopter. In April 2012, 10-08082 was transferred to Company B - "Sugar Bears", 1st General Support Aviation Battalion (GSAB), 52nd Aviation Regiment, Ladd Field, Fort Wainwright, Alaska, to support the NETT training of that unit. The aircraft arrived at Ladd Field at 94.3 aircraft hours, having accumulated 30.8 hours on the Georgia to Alaska Ferry Flight. Tasked by the Program Managers Office, the NET Team - led by Tim McCall (Director of Flight Operations for the CH-47F NET Team) - formulated a plan to ferry the aircraft from Hunter AAF via the Alaska Canada (ALCAN) Highway. 10-08082 was Chalk 2 in a flight of four, part of Sortie 1 of three sorties. The flight departed Hunter AAF on 10 April and arrived at Ladd Field on 18 April 2012. There were five flight days and three weather hold days. Enroute to Alaska, 10-08082 experienced no known maintenance issues, only pilot induced complications. As of 22 April 2012, the last known location of 10-08082 was at Ladd Field. Aircraft status: Flyable. |
9 April 2012: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 10-08082 at Hunter Army Airfield awaiting the ferry flight to Ladd Army Airfield (PAFB), Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image. |
10 April 2012: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 10-08082 at Campbell Army Airfield (KHOP) awaiting fuel while enroute to Ladd Army Airfield, Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image. |
10 April 2012: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 10-08082 refueling at Spirit of St. Louis Airport (KSUS) while enroute to Ladd Army Airfield, Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image. |
11 April 2012: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 10-08082 refueling at Rapid City Airport (KRAP), South Dakota, while enroute to Ladd Army Airfield, Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image. |
12 April 2012: CH-47F Chinook helicopters 10-08082 and 08-08764 inflight vicinity Powder River Basin, Wyoming, while enroute to Ladd Army Airfield, Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image. |
15 April 2012: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 10-08082 parked on the ramp at Helena, Montana, after a remain overnight (RON) stop. During the night low temperatures and snow led to a coating of ice on the aircraft that required removal prior to departure. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image. |
16 April 2012: Photographed from 08-08771, elements of Sortie 1 (08-08764, 10-08082 and 10-08083) are shown about ten miles north of Helena, Montana and passing the Sleeping Man formation. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image. |
17 April 2012: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 10-08082 in flight between Edmonton, Alberta, and Fort Nelson, British Columbia, during the ferry flight to Ladd Army Airfield, Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image. |
The following CH-47F Chinook helicopters were fielded to B Company - "Sugar Bears", 1st General Support Aviation Battalion (GSAB), 52nd Aviation Regiment, located on Ladd Field, Fort Wainwright, Alaska, beginning in April 2012 and used to support the unit train-up. Airframes are routinely reassigned as necessary so there is no telling where there are now. |
This aircraft was piloted by: |
CIV Mark S. Morgan, Instructor Pilot / Maintenance Examiner (IP/ME), 2012 |
CIV William Louis Young, Maintenance Examiner (ME), 2012 |
CIV Kenneth T. Scull, Pilot in Command (PC), 2012, Alaska Ferry Flight |
LTC Bradley J. Killen, Copilot (PI) [AMC], 2012, Alaska Ferry Flight |
Your Name Here. |
This aircraft was crewed by: |
CIV Jason R. Jennings, Flight Engineer (FE), 2012, Alaska Ferry Flight |
CIV Bobby Rhue, Flight Engineer (FE), 2012, Alaska Ferry Flight |
Your Name Here. |
Related Information |
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