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             66-00104, Boeing build number B-236, was a CH-47A helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date was 23 September 1966. 66-00104 accumulated 3,263.5 aircraft hours.

   At some point, 66-00104 was assigned to the 92nd Aviation Company, Washington Army Reserve, located at Paine Field, near Everett, Washington.

   On 8 August 1980, 66-00104 was involved in an accident while conducting flight operations as Chalk Two in a flight of three at the Abbottsford Airshow in British Columbia. The flight was on the ground conducting two wheel taxi. The pilot of 66-00104 adjusted the flight controls to reduce the rate of closure with Chalk One. In doing so, the pilot raised the nose approximately 26 to 28 degress. This allowed the Aft Rotor System to make contact with the ground. Pieces of the rotor tips were torn loose and some pieces flew into the viewing stand. Four spectators were injured.

   On 8 September 1986, 66-00104 was inducted into the D model program and converted to 86-01674.

   The last known location of 66-00104 was at Boeing during the conversion.

   Aircraft status: Converted to D model.



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          Related Information


          66-00104 Preliminary Mishap Report


          66-00104 Final Mishap Report


          66-00104 Revised Mishap Report



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


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Last updated: 09/16/2017 14:56:20