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          " Your wife may leave you - but a Hooker never will. "



The airframe age is unknown



16 August 2017: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 15-08191 sitting during preflight inspection at Indianapolis Regional Airport (KMQJ), Indiana, while enroute to it's new home at Butts Army Airfield (KFCS), Fort Carson, Colorado. The aircraft was manned by civilian aircrews from System Engineering Services (SES) of Huntsville, Alabama during the ferry flight mission. Tim Coffman, serving as Flight Engineer, preflights the top of the aircraft while Kevin Hoffmaster, pilot, inspects the bottom.

             16 August 2017: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 15-08191 sitting during preflight inspection at Indianapolis Regional Airport (KMQJ), Indiana, while enroute to it's new home at Butts Army Airfield (KFCS), Fort Carson, Colorado. The aircraft was manned by civilian aircrews from System Engineering Services (SES) of Huntsville, Alabama during the ferry flight mission. Tim Coffman, serving as Flight Engineer, preflights the top of the aircraft while Kevin Hoffmaster, pilot, inspects the bottom. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



             Sorry, data on this aircraft is not yet available. It takes awhile to sift through all the files and extract useful information. Anything you may wish to offer in the way of photographs and stories concerning this tail number would be greatly appreciated. Just click on the email link below to send us your information. Thanks!



16 August 2017: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 15-08191 sitting on the ramp at St. Louis Downtown Airport (KCPS), Illinois, while enroute to it's new home at Butts Army Airfield (KFCS), Fort Carson, Colorado.

             16 August 2017: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 15-08191 sitting on the ramp at St. Louis Downtown Airport (KCPS), Illinois, while enroute to it's new home at Butts Army Airfield (KFCS), Fort Carson, Colorado. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



16 August 2017: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 15-08191 sitting on the ramp at St. Louis Downtown Airport (KCPS), Illinois, while enroute to it's new home at Butts Army Airfield (KFCS), Fort Carson, Colorado.

             16 August 2017: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 15-08191 sitting on the ramp at St. Louis Downtown Airport (KCPS), Illinois, while enroute to it's new home at Butts Army Airfield (KFCS), Fort Carson, Colorado. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



16 August 2017: The crew of CH-47F Chinook helicopter 15-08191 were treated to a nice view of the arch in St. Louis, Missouri, while hovering near its previous parking spot at St. Louis Downtown Airport (KCPS), Illinois, while enroute to it's new home at Butts Army Airfield (KFCS), Fort Carson, Colorado.

             16 August 2017: The crew of CH-47F Chinook helicopter 15-08191 were treated to a nice view of the arch in St. Louis, Missouri, while hovering near its previous parking spot at St. Louis Downtown Airport (KCPS), Illinois, while enroute to it's new home at Butts Army Airfield (KFCS), Fort Carson, Colorado. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



16 August 2017: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 15-08191 refueling at Northwest Arkansas Regional Aiport (KXNA), Arkansas, while enroute to it's new home at Butts Army Airfield (KFCS), Fort Carson, Colorado. Severe weather along the route of flight forced the crew to divert approximately 100 miles south to avoid rapidly developing thunderstorms that were spawning tornados in the northern portion of the midwest.

             16 August 2017: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 15-08191 refueling at Northwest Arkansas Regional Aiport (KXNA), Arkansas, while enroute to it's new home at Butts Army Airfield (KFCS), Fort Carson, Colorado. Severe weather along the route of flight forced the crew to divert approximately 100 miles south to avoid rapidly developing thunderstorms that were spawning tornados in the northern portion of the midwest. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



16 August 2017: After a long day of avoiding nasty weather CH-47F Chinook helicopter 15-08191 refuels at Dodge City Aiport (KDDC), Kansas, and is put to bed for the night while enroute to it's new home at Butts Army Airfield (KFCS), Fort Carson, Colorado.

             16 August 2017: After a long day of avoiding nasty weather CH-47F Chinook helicopter 15-08191 refuels at Dodge City Aiport (KDDC), Kansas, and is put to bed for the night while enroute to it's new home at Butts Army Airfield (KFCS), Fort Carson, Colorado. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



          This aircraft was piloted by:


          CIV Mark S. Morgan, Instructor Pilot (IP), 2017

          CIV Kevin Hoffmaster, Standardization Pilot (SP), 2017


          Your Name Here.



          This aircraft was crewed by:


          CIV Tim Coffman, Standardization Instructor (SI), 2017


          Your Name Here.



          Related Information


          F Model in Production



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


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Last updated: 08/19/2017 21:54:53