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As of today, this airframe is 15.55 years old.



Property of

B Company - "Pachyderms"

6th General Support Aviation Battalion (GSAB)

101st Aviation Regiment, 101st Airborne Division

Fort Campbell, Kentucky




B Company - "Pachyderms" unit patch.
B Company - "Pachyderms" unit patch.



B Company, 3rd General Support Aviation Battalion, 10th Mountain Division, Fort drum, New York first unit patch, Summer 2010. Click on the patch to see a full size image.
Property of

B Company - "Colossal"

3-10th GSAB

Fort Drum, New York

2010 - 2012



The Aft Pylon of CH-47F Chinook helicopter 08-08056 showing the Cav Flag while the aircraft was assigned to B Company, 6-6 CAV.

             February 2011 to October 2012: The Aft Pylon of CH-47F Chinook helicopter 08-08056 showing the Cav Flag while the aircraft was assigned to B Company - "Colossal", 6th Squadron, 6th Air Calvary Regiment (6-6 CAV), 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum, New York. The Chinook helicopter powerplant is dwarfed by the Engine Air Particle Separator (EAPS), mounted on the front, and the Infra-Red Suppression System (IRSS), mounted on the rear. For a relatively small unit, the H-47 engine produces a minimum of 4,500 shaft horsepower. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



             08-08056, Boeing Vertol Tab Number M8056, was a CH-47F helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date is unknown. As of 12 December 2012, 08-08056 accumulated an unknown number of aircraft hours.

   08-08056 was a new build airframe that utilized used power train components (blades, engines and transmissions, etc.).

   In 2009, 08-08056 was initially assigned to B Company - "Pachyderms", 6th General Support Aviation Battalion (GSAB), 101st Aviation Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, Fort Campbell, Kentucky.

   Beginning in the Spring of 2009, 08-08056 was utilized extensively for 8 months in the train up of aircrews undergoing CH-47F Aircraft Qualification conducted by members of S3 Incorporated New Equipment Training Team (NETT). The NET Team was under contract from the Project Managers Office - Cargo Helcopters (PM Cargo), Aviation Missile Command (AMCOM), located at Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama, to conduct the worldwide fielding and training for the CH-47F Chinook helicopter.

   In February 2010, 08-08056 was transferred to B Company - "Colossal", 3rd General Support Aviation Battalion (GSAB), 10th Mountain Division, located at Fort Drum, New York

   From February 2010 through June 2010, 08-08056 was utilized by the NET Team to train and field B Company, 3-10 GSAB in the Aircraft Qualification of aircrews.

   In October 2010, 08-08056 deployed to Afghanistan via Strategic Air (STRATAIR) via a C-17 Globemaster III.

   From February 2011 to October 2012, 08-08056 was temporarily attached to 6th Squadron, 6th Air Calvary Regiment (6-6 CAV), 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum, New York.

   In October 2012, 08-08056 returned to its home station of Fort Drum and was assigned to B Company, 3-10 GSAB.

   As of 12 November 2012, the last known location of 08-08056 was at Fort Drum, New York.

   Aircraft status: Flyable.



Somewhere over the Altantic Ocean, 08-08056 is loaded aboard a C-17 Globemaster III headed for Afghanistan.

             October 2010: Somewhere over the Altantic Ocean, 08-08056 is loaded aboard a C-17 Globemaster III headed for Afghanistan. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



Somewhere over the Altantic Ocean, 08-08056 is loaded aboard a C-17 Globemaster III headed for Afghanistan.

             October 2010: Somewhere over the Altantic Ocean, 08-08056 is loaded aboard a C-17 Globemaster III headed for Afghanistan. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



Somewhere over the Altantic Ocean, 08-08056 is loaded aboard a C-17 Globemaster III headed for Afghanistan.

             October 2010: Somewhere over the Altantic Ocean, 08-08056 is loaded aboard a C-17 Globemaster III headed for Afghanistan. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



With the Number 2 Engine on a workstand, 08-08056 sits on the ramp outside a hangar in Afghanistan while undergoing phased maintenance. The engine had an oil leak that required its removal, repair and reinstallation.

             With the Number 2 Engine on a workstand, 08-08056 sits on the ramp outside a hangar in Afghanistan while undergoing phased maintenance. The engine had an oil leak that required its removal, repair and reinstallation. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



The Nose Art on 08-08056 while deployed in theater. 08-08056 had an APU Generator come off line without warning. When the crew opened the right electrical pod they discovered burnt wires and a very hot Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) Generator Control Unit (GCU). After troubleshooting it was found that the GCU was fried and the APU Generator would not operate. The burnt wires were repaired and the GCU and APU Generator were replaced. About two flights later, during a run up, there was a fire in the Number 2 Power Distribution Panel (PDP) and it all led back to the APU Generator Alternating Current (AC) electrical system. Long story short, there was a bad ground that cooked the system not once - but twice. In the nose art you see an electric bolt getting ready to strike the GCU and fry it with the GCU trying to stop it. At the top is the name of 08-08056 -

             The Nose Art on 08-08056 while deployed in theater. 08-08056 had an APU Generator come off line without warning. When the crew opened the right electrical pod they discovered burnt wires and a very hot Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) Generator Control Unit (GCU). After troubleshooting it was found that the GCU was fried and the APU Generator would not operate. The burnt wires were repaired and the GCU and APU Generator were replaced. About two flights later, during a run up, there was a fire in the Number 2 Power Distribution Panel (PDP) and it all led back to the APU Generator Alternating Current (AC) electrical system. Long story short, there was a bad ground that cooked the system not once - but twice. In the nose art you see an electric bolt getting ready to strike the GCU and fry it with the GCU trying to stop it. At the top is the name of 08-08056 - "SPARKY" - on top of an electric bolt. The names shown below the Nose Art are those of the crew while the aircraft was assigned to B Company, 6-6 CAV. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



SGT Sidney Scott, Flight Engineer of 08-08056, poses beside his aircraft while it was assigned to B Company, 6-6 CAV in theater.

             SGT Sidney Scott, Flight Engineer of 08-08056, poses beside his aircraft while it was assigned to B Company, 6-6 CAV in theater. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



SGT Sidney Scott, Flight Engineer of 08-08056, poses beside his aircraft while it was assigned to B Company, 6-6 CAV in theater.

             SGT Sidney Scott, Flight Engineer of 08-08056, poses beside his aircraft while it was assigned to B Company, 6-6 CAV in theater. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



             The following CH-47F Chinook helicopters were utilized to support the train-up and fielding of B Company - "Pachyderms", 6th General Support Aviation Battalion (GSAB), 101st Aviation Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, Fort Campbell, Kentucky, in mid 2009. Airframes are routinely reassigned as necessary so there is no telling where there are now.



03-08003 07-08040 07-08725 08-08045 08-08046
08-08047 08-08048 08-08049 08-08050 08-08051
08-08052 08-08053 08-08054 08-08055 08-08056



             The following CH-47F Chinook helicopters were fielded to B Company - "Colossal", 3rd Battalion, 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum, New York, in early 2010. They also deployed with the unit to Afghanistan in the Fall of 2010. Airframes are always being shifted around, so there is no telling where they are now.



05-08014 07-08727 07-08728 07-08729 07-08730
07-08731 08-08044 08-08054 08-08056 08-08058
09-08059 09-08060      



             The following CH-47F Chinook helicopters were borrowed from other units and utilized to support the training of personnel assigned to B Company - "Colossal", 3rd Battalion, 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum, New York, in early to mid 2010. Airframes are always being shifted around, so there is no telling where they are now.



07-08732 07-08040 08-08052 08-08053 08-08055



          This aircraft was piloted by:


          CW3 Jason Moore, Maintenance Test Pilot, 2010 - 2012


          CIV Mark S. Morgan, Instructor Pilot/Maintenance Examiner, 2009 - 2010


          CIV Ralph W. Graham, Maintenance Examiner, 2009 - 2010


          CIV Timothy M. McCall, Standardization Pilot, 2009 - 2010


          CIV Craig A. Warren, Instructor Pilot, 2009 - 2010


          CIV "Z" Szumigala, Instructor Pilot, 2009 - 2010


          CIV Clay C. Webster, Standardization Pilot, 2009 - 2010


          CIV James Andrew Mankie, Standardization Pilot, 2009 - 2010


          CIV Kevin Ivey, Standardization Pilot, 2009 - 2010


          CIV John David Ryan, Maintenance Test Pilot, 2009 - 2010


          CIV David J. Watson, Standardization Pilot, 2009 - 2010


          CIV Barry Escholz, Standardization Pilot, 2009 - 2010


          Your Name Here.



          This aircraft was crewed by:


          SGT Sidney Scott, Flight Engineer, 2010 - 2012


          SGT John Colwell, Flight Engineer, 2012


          SPC Zachery McKnight, Crew Chief, 2010 - 2012


          SPC Mark Schwichtenberg, Door Gunner, 2010 - 2012


          CIV Chad Cox, Standardization Instructor, 2009 - 2010


          CIV George Hall, Standardization Instructor, 2009 - 2010


          CIV Jason Sims, Standardization Instructor, 2009 - 2010


          CIV Brian Douglass, Flight Engineer, 2009 - 2010


          CIV Rob Simpson, Standardization Instructor, 2009 - 2010


          CIV Ken Botz, Standardization Instructor, 2009 - 2010


          CIV Robert Mueller, Standardization Instructor, 2009 - 2010


          CIV Bruce Cain, Standardization Instructor, 2009 - 2010


          CIV Viron Green, Standardization Instructor, 2009 - 2010


          CIV Doug Grade, Standardization Instructor, 2009 - 2010


          Your Name Here.



          Related Information


          F Model in Production



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


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Last updated: 12/22/2016 09:11:49