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          Boeing CH-47F Chinook helicopters Arrive in Hawaii



Property of

B Company - "Hillclimbers"

Hillclimbers Unit Patch, circa 2010.
3-25th GSAB

Wheeler Army Airfield


Hillclimbers Unit Patch, circa 2010.



          The Dock



19 November 2010: CW4 Jack Tartaglia walks past fourteen CH-47F Chinook helicopters awaiting reassembly on the dock at Pearl Harbor. The USS Missouri rests silently in the background near the USS Arizona memorial.

             19 November 2010: CW4 Jack Tartaglia walks past fourteen CH-47F Chinook helicopters awaiting reassembly on the dock at Pearl Harbor. The USS Missouri rests silently in the background near the USS Arizona memorial. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version of this image.



19 November 2010: The Boeing Maintenance Team, led by Mark Guida, works at a feverish pace the reassemble the Chinook helicopters in order for them to be flown to Wheeler Army Airfield.

             19 November 2010: The Boeing Maintenance Team, led by Mark Guida, works at a feverish pace the reassemble the Chinook helicopters in order for them to be flown to Wheeler Army Airfield. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version of this image.



19 November 2010: Members of the Boeing Maintenance Team work on two Chinook helicopters, prepping them to fly off the dock at Pearl Harbor and head to Wheeler Army Airfield. In the background one can see the old control tower on Ford Island.

             19 November 2010: Members of the Boeing Maintenance Team work on two Chinook helicopters, prepping them to fly off the dock at Pearl Harbor and head to Wheeler Army Airfield. In the background one can see the old control tower on Ford Island. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version of this image.



19 November 2010: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 09-08064 undergoing reassembly on the dock at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. In the background is the USNS Mendonca.

             19 November 2010: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 09-08064 undergoing reassembly on the dock at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. In the background is the USNS Mendonca. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version of this image.



19 November 2010: A close-up view of the reassembly of CH-47F Chinook helicopter 09-08064. What's fascinating is the lifting device used to install the rotors lades. It is known as a Spyder Crane. It manuevers like a spider on tracks and is remote controlled.

             19 November 2010: A close-up view of the reassembly of CH-47F Chinook helicopter 09-08064. What's fascinating is the lifting device used to install the blades rotary. It is known as a Spyder Crane. It manuevers like a spider on tracks and is remote controlled. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version of this image.



19 November 2010: Boeing Mechanics and S3 NET Team aircrews prep CH-47F Chinook helicopter 07-08743 to be the first aircraft to depart the dock at Pearl Harbor as a large navy vessel glides gently by on it's way out to sea.

             19 November 2010: Boeing Mechanics and S3 NET Team aircrews prep CH-47F Chinook helicopter 07-08743 to be the first aircraft to depart the dock at Pearl Harbor as a large navy vessel glides gently by on it's way out to sea. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version of this image.



19 November 2010: Boeing Mechanics and S3 NET Team aircrews prep CH-47F Chinook helicopter 07-08743 to be the first aircraft to depart the dock at Pearl Harbor.

             19 November 2010: Boeing Mechanics and S3 NET Team aircrews prep CH-47F Chinook helicopter 07-08743 to be the first aircraft to depart the dock at Pearl Harbor. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version of this image.



19 November 2010: Boeing Mechanics prep CH-47F Chinook helicopters for the flight from Pearl Harbor to Wheeler Army Airfield.

             19 November 2010: Boeing Mechanics prep CH-47F Chinook helicopters for the flight from Pearl Harbor to Wheeler Army Airfield. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version of this image.



19 November 2010: Boeing Mechanics prep CH-47F Chinook helicopters for the flight from Pearl Harbor to Wheeler Army Airfield.

             19 November 2010: Boeing Mechanics prep CH-47F Chinook helicopters for the flight from Pearl Harbor to Wheeler Army Airfield. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version of this image.



19 November 2010: Jason Sims, S3 NET Team Flight Engineer, takes a short break from the aircraft preparation.

             19 November 2010: Jason Sims, S3 NET Team Flight Engineer, takes a short break from the aircraft preparation. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version of this image.



19 November 2010: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 09-08064 gets a thorough preflight before heading off to Wheeler Army Airfield.

             19 November 2010: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 09-08064 gets a thorough preflight from Craig Warren, S3 NET Team Pilot (center) and Flight Engineers Jason Sims (left) and Matthew Nimmo (right) before heading off to Wheeler Army Airfield. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version of this image.



19 November 2010: The first two CH-47F Chinook helicopters to take off from the dock at Pearl Harbor in the early afternoon were 07-08743 and 09-08064.

             19 November 2010: The first two CH-47F Chinook helicopters to take off from the dock at Pearl Harbor in the early afternoon were 07-08743 and 09-08064. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version of this image.



19 November 2010: The first two CH-47F Chinook helicopters to take off from the dock at Pearl Harbor in the early afternoon were 07-08743 and 09-08064. In the background one can see Ford Island.

             19 November 2010: The first two CH-47F Chinook helicopters to take off from the dock at Pearl Harbor in the early afternoon were 07-08743 and 09-08064 (in trail). In the background one can see Ford Island. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version of this image.



19 November 2010: The Boeing Maintenance Team continues to reassemble another CH-47F Chinook helicopter.

             19 November 2010: The Boeing Maintenance Team continues to reassemble another CH-47F Chinook helicopter. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version of this image.



19 November 2010: The Boeing Maintenance Team continues to reassemble another CH-47F Chinook helicopter.

             19 November 2010: The Boeing Maintenance Team continues to reassemble another CH-47F Chinook helicopter. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version of this image.



19 November 2010: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 07-08741 gets a preflight by the S3 NET Team as the Boeing Maintenance Team completes some final assembly tasks.

             19 November 2010: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 07-08741 gets a preflight by the S3 NET Team as the Boeing Maintenance Team completes some final assembly tasks. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version of this image.



19 November 2010: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 07-08741 gets a preflight by the S3 NET Team as the Boeing Maintenance Team completes some final assembly tasks.

             19 November 2010: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 07-08741 gets a preflight by the S3 NET Team as the Boeing Maintenance Team completes some final assembly tasks. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version of this image.



19 November 2010: CH-47F Chinook helicopter gets a preflight by the S3 NET Team.

             19 November 2010: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 09-08066 gets a preflight by the S3 NET Team. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version of this image.



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Last updated: 01/07/2021 21:10:39