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          Boeing CH-47B Model Chinook Helicopters

          In service to the United States Army



Soldiers from B Company, 1st Battalion, 6th Infantry Division, load onto 67-18465 - a CH-47B Chinook helicopter from the 178th Assault Support Helicopter Company (ASHC). Operating in the Republic of Vietnam (RVN), the helicopter was preparing to transport the troops from LZ Dottie to Hill 43 (east of LZ Dottie) in September 1970. The 178th ASHC unit callsign was the "Boxcars", and the pair of dice on the aft pylon was their distinctive emblem.

             Soldiers from B Company, 1st Battalion, 6th Infantry Division, load onto 67-18465 - a CH-47B Chinook helicopter from the 178th Assault Support Helicopter Company (ASHC). Operating in the Republic of Vietnam (RVN), the helicopter was preparing to transport the troops from LZ Dottie to Hill 43 (east of LZ Dottie) in September 1970. The 178th ASHC unit callsign was the "Boxcars", and the pair of dice on the aft pylon was their distinctive emblem.



             A total of 108 B model Chinooks were produced. Tail numbers 66-19098 (Build number B-356) through 67-18493 (Build number B-463).

             Those B models that returned from service in the Republic of Vietnam, as well as others located in various units around the United States, were converted to D model helicopters. There are no surviving U.S. Army B models.


             Read a brief summary of the disposition of the B model Chinook helicopter - Click-N-Go Here.


          Click-N-Go on an underlined tail number to read more about a specific Chinook.


66-19098 66-19099 66-19100 66-19101 66-19102
66-19103 66-19104 66-19105 66-19106 66-19107
66-19108 66-19109 66-19110 66-19111 66-19112
66-19113 66-19114 66-19115 66-19116 66-19117
66-19118 66-19119 66-19120 66-19121 66-19122
66-19123 66-19124 66-19125 66-19126 66-19127
66-19128 66-19129 66-19130 66-19131 66-19132
66-19133 66-19134 66-19135 66-19136 66-19137
66-19138 66-19139 66-19140 66-19141 66-19142
66-19143 67-18432 67-18433 67-18434 67-18435
67-18436 67-18437 67-18438 67-18439 67-18440
67-18441 67-18442 67-18443 67-18444 67-18445
67-18446 67-18447 67-18448 67-18449 67-18450
67-18451 67-18452 67-18453 67-18454 67-18455
67-18456 67-18457 67-18458 67-18459 67-18460
67-18461 67-18462 67-18463 67-18464 67-18465
67-18466 67-18467 67-18468 67-18469 67-18470
67-18471 67-18472 67-18473 67-18474 67-18475
67-18476 67-18477 67-18478 67-18479 67-18480
67-18481 67-18482 67-18483 67-18484 67-18485
67-18486 67-18487 67-18488 67-18489 67-18490
67-18491 67-18492 67-18493    



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


          Comments or Questions ? Email the Webmaster. Email the Webmaster.    


Last updated: 12/22/2016 11:10:43