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As of today, this airframe is 56.25 years old.



B Company - "Innkeepers", 3rd General Support Aviation Battalion, 2nd Aviation Regiment, Camp Humphreys, Republic of Korea, unit patch, Fall 2013.
Property of

B Company - " Innkeepers "

3-2 GSAB

Camp Humphreys, ROK




             88-00094, Boeing D model kit number M3268, was a CH-47D helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date was 30 June 1989. As of 22 June 1999, 88-00094 had accumulated 1,560.0 D model hours and 5,104.0 total aircraft hours.

   88-00094 was a conversion from the original C model Chinook 68-15851.

   On 22 July 1988, 88-00094 was inducted into the D model program, converted, and initially assigned to B Company - "Innkeepers", 2nd Battalion, 501st Aviation Regiment, Camp Humphreys, Republic of Korea (ROK)(South Korea), on 18 October 1989.

   B Company was the former 271st Assault Support Helicopter Company (ASHC) - "Innkeepers".

   At some point, when the United States involvement in the Vietnam conflict ended in the mid 1970's, the 271st ASHC was relocated to Korea and later redesignated as B Company, 2nd Battalion, 501st Aviation Regiment.

   At some point, the 501st Aviation Regiment was redesignated as the 52nd Aviation Regiment.

   As of 22 June 1999, the last known location of 88-00094 was at Camp Humphreys in the Republic of Korea, assigned to B Company - "Innkeepers", 2nd Battalion, 52nd Aviation Regiment.

   Aircraft status: Flyable.



             The following CH-47D Chinook helicopters were assigned to B Company - "Innkeepers", 3rd General Support Aviation Battalion (GSAB), 2nd Aviation Regiment, located on Camp Humphreys, Republic of Korea, and sold to the Republic of Korea in early 2014 under a Foreign Militray Sales (FMS) program. Over the years other aircraft were assigned to the Innkeepers but we do not have a complete list.



84-24158 86-01654 88-00070 88-00073 88-00081
88-00083 88-00085 88-00089 88-00091 88-00093
88-00094 88-00095 88-00096 88-00107  



          This aircraft was piloted by:


          CW3 Mark S. Morgan, PC/MTP/ME, 1997

          WO1 David M. Yarber, Pilot, 1989


          Your Name Here.



          This aircraft was crewed by:


          Your Name Here.



          Related Information


          D Models to be sold to the ROK

          DA Form 2408-15 Historical Information

          Camp Humphreys Gets F Models



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


          Comments or Questions ? Email the Webmaster. Email the Webmaster.    


Last updated: 09/16/2017 16:34:32