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As of today, this airframe is 57.83 years old.



B Company - "Innkeepers", 3rd General Support Aviation Battalion, 2nd Aviation Regiment, Camp Humphreys, Republic of Korea, unit patch, Fall 2013.
Property of

B Company - " Innkeepers "

3-2 GSAB

Camp Humphreys, ROK




CH-47D Chinook helicopter 88-00089, from the 52nd Aviation Regiment, Camp Humphreys, South Korea, lands aboard the Seventh Fleet command ship USS Blue Ridge, during an Army-Navy training exercise off the coast of Korea.

             24 March 2006: Locating the Pot-o-Gold at the end of the rainbow - CH-47D Chinook helicopter 88-00089, from the 52nd Aviation Regiment, Camp Humphreys, South Korea, conducts deck landings aboard the Seventh Fleet command ship USS Blue Ridge, during an Army-Navy training exercise off the coast of Korea. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version [2.3 Mb].



             Sorry, data on this aircraft is not yet available. It takes awhile to sift through all the files and extract useful information. Anything you may wish to offer in the way of photographs and stories concerning this tail number would be greatly appreciated. Just click on the email link below to send us your information. Thanks!



5 November 2013: 88-00089 resting on the ramp at Camp Humphreys, Republic of Korea, as the D model fleet assigned to B Company - "Innkeepers", 3rd Battalion, 2nd Aviation Regiment, undergoes a Foreign Military Sale (FMS) to the Republic of Korea. The Korean government purchased the 14 aircraft assigned to the Innkeepers for approximately $3,000,000 each as is, with five spare GA-714A engines and some various parts.

             5 November 2013: 88-00089 resting on the ramp at Camp Humphreys, Republic of Korea, as the D model fleet assigned to B Company - "Innkeepers", 3rd Battalion, 2nd Aviation Regiment, awaiting a Foreign Military Sale (FMS) to the Republic of Korea. The Korean government purchased the 14 aircraft assigned to the Innkeepers for approximately $3,000,000 each as is, along with five spare GA-714A engines and some various other parts. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version [10.8 Mb].



4 February 2014: 88-00089 resting on the ramp at Desiderio Army Airfield (RKSG or A-511), Camp Humphreys, Republic of Korea, as the D model fleet assigned to B Company - "Innkeepers", 3rd Battalion, 2nd Aviation Regiment, undergoes a Foreign Military Sale (FMS) to the Republic of Korea. The Korean government purchased the 14 aircraft assigned to the Innkeepers for approximately $3,000,000 each as is, with five spare GA-714A engines and some various parts.

             4 February 2014: 88-00089 resting on the ramp at Desiderio Army Airfield (RKSG or A-511), Camp Humphreys, Republic of Korea, as the D model fleet assigned to B Company - "Innkeepers", 3rd Battalion, 2nd Aviation Regiment, undergoes a Foreign Military Sale (FMS) to the Republic of Korea. The Korean government purchased the 14 aircraft assigned to the Innkeepers for approximately $3,900,000 each as is, along with five spare GA-714A engines, radio and navigation equipment and some various other parts. The D model Chinook helicopters were replaced with F model ones bringing the heavy lift capability in theater into the modern age. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version [10.2 Mb].



             The following CH-47D Chinook helicopters were assigned to B Company - "Innkeepers", 3rd General Support Aviation Battalion (GSAB), 2nd Aviation Regiment, located on Camp Humphreys, Republic of Korea, and sold to the Republic of Korea in early 2014 under a Foreign Militray Sales (FMS) program. Over the years other aircraft were assigned to the Innkeepers but we do not have a complete list.



84-24158 86-01654 88-00070 88-00073 88-00081
88-00083 88-00085 88-00089 88-00091 88-00093
88-00094 88-00095 88-00096 88-00107  



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          Related Information


          D Models to be sold to the ROK

          DA Form 2408-15 Historical Information

          Camp Humphreys Gets F Models



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


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Last updated: 09/16/2017 16:32:05