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Property of

Company B - "Voyagers"

171st Aviation Regiment, Army National Guard

Wheeler Army Airfield, Oahu, Hawaii


Company B - "Voyagers", 171st Aviation Regiment, Army National Guard CH-47F Fielding Poster, 2011. Click-N-Go Here to view more F model Fielding Posters.
Company B - "Voyagers", 171st Aviation Regiment, Army National Guard, unit patch circa November 2011. Click-N-Go Here to view more unit patches.



Property of

B Company - "Hillclimbers"

3rd General Support Aviation Battalion

25th Infantry Division


B Company - "Hillclimbers", 3rd General support Aviation Battalin, 25th Infantry Division, F model Fielding Poster, 2011.

Hillclimbers Unit Patch, circa 2010.
Wheeler Army Airfield


Hillclimbers Unit Patch, circa 2010.



8 December 2011: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 08-08765 rests on the Army National Guard ramp at Wheeler Army Airfield, Oahu, Hawaii. 08-08765 was transferred to Company B - "Voyagers", 171st Aviation, in late November and utilized by members of the S3 Incorporated New Equipment Training Team (NETT) to support the aircraft qualification of unit aircrew members.

             8 December 2011: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 08-08765 rests on the Army National Guard ramp at Wheeler Army Airfield, Oahu, Hawaii. 08-08765 was transferred to Company B - "Voyagers", 171st Aviation, in late November and utilized by members of the S3 Incorporated New Equipment Training Team (NETT) to support the aircraft qualification of unit aircrew members. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



             Sorry, data on this aircraft is not yet available. It takes awhile to sift through all the files and extract useful information. Anything you may wish to offer in the way of photographs and stories concerning this tail number would be greatly appreciated. Just click on the email link below to send us your information. Thanks!



             The following CH-47F Chinook helicopters were fielded to B Company - "Hillclimbers", 3rd General Support Aviation Battalion (GSAB), 25th Infantry Division, located on Wheeler Army Airfield (PHHI), Island of Oahu, in the State of Hawaii, beginning in November 2010 and used to support the unit train-up. Airframes are routinely reassigned as necessary so there is no telling where there are now.



07-08735 07-08736 07-08738 07-08739 07-08740
07-08741 07-08742 07-08743 08-08765 08-08766
08-08767 09-08064 09-08065 09-08066 09-08067
09-08068 09-08069      



             The following CH-47F Chinook helicopters were transferred to Company B - "Voyagers", 171st Aviation Regiment, Army National Guard, located on Wheeler Army Airfield (PHHI), Island of Oahu, in the State of Hawaii, beginning in September 2011 and used to support the unit train-up. Airframes are routinely reassigned as necessary so there is no telling where there are now.



07-08735 07-08736 07-08738 07-08743 08-08765
08-08766 08-08767 09-08064 09-08065 09-08069



          This aircraft was piloted by:


          CIV Mark S. Morgan, Instructor Pilot / Maintenance Examiner, 2011


          Your Name Here.



          This aircraft was crewed by:


          Your Name Here.



          Related Information


          Hawaii Delivery

          7th Unit Equipped Fielding Ceremony

          F Model Tail Numbers

          F Model in Production



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


          Comments or Questions ? Email the Webmaster. Email the Webmaster.    


Last updated: 12/22/2016 09:42:57