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As of today, this airframe is 12.69 years old.



B Company, 2nd General Support Aviation Battalion, 1st Aviation Regiment, 1st Combat Aviation Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, Fort Riley, Kansas, unit patch, Fall 2012.
Property of

B Company - " Diesel "

2-1 GSAB

Fort Riley, Kansas




19 September 2012: Flight Engineer Bruce Cain takes one last look at CH-47F Chinook helicopter 10-08807 before takeoff on the aircraft delivery ferry flight from Millville Municipal Airport (KMIV) to Marshall Airfield (KFRI), Fort Riley, Kansas. Sister ship and Chalk Four 10-08806 sits in the background.

             19 September 2012: Flight Engineer Bruce Cain takes one last look at CH-47F Chinook helicopter 10-08807 before takeoff on the aircraft delivery ferry flight from Millville Municipal Airport (KMIV) to Marshall Airfield (KFRI), Fort Riley, Kansas. Sister ship and Chalk Four 10-08806 sits in the background. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



             10-08807, Boeing Vertol Tab Number unknown, U.S. Army Tab Number M8807, was a CH-47F helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date was 10 July 2012 at 7.9 aircraft hours. As of 1 October 2012, 10-08807 accumulated 19.2 aircraft hours.

   10-08807 was a new build airframe with all new components installed.

   10-08807 was initially assigned to B Company - "Diesel", 2nd General Support Aviation Battalion (GSAB), 1st Aviation Regiment, 1st Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB), 1st Infantry Division (The Big Red One), located at Fort Riley, Kansas.

   10-08807 was received by the S3 Incorporated New Equipment Training Team (NETT) at Millville Municipal Airport (KMIV) on 19 September 2012 for an aircraft delivery ferry flight to Marshall Airfield (KMIV), Fort Riley, Kansas. The 1,300 mile trip lasted two days and involved landing at Wheeling Ohio County Airport (KHLG), West Virginia, for fuel, Gus Grissom Air Reserve Base (KGUS), Indiana, for an overnight stop, Quincy Regional Airport (KUIN), Illinois, for fuel, and finally a landing at Marshall Airfield on 20 September 2012.

   10-08807 was Chalk Three in a flight of four of Sortie One accompanied by 10-08802, 10-08804 and 10-08806. The Chalk order was 10-08802, 10-08804, 10-08807, 10-08806.

   As of 1 October 2012, the last known location of 10-08807 was at Fort Riley, Kansas.

   Aircraft status: Flyable.



19 September 2012: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 10-08807 preflight complete and ready for run up at Millville Municipal Airport (KMIV).

             19 September 2012: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 10-08807 preflight complete and ready for run up at Millville Municipal Airport (KMIV). Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



19 September 2012: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 10-08807 receives fuel at Wheeling, West Virginia (KHLG), supervised by Flight Engineer Bruce Cain.

             19 September 2012: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 10-08807 receives fuel at Wheeling, West Virginia (KHLG), supervised by Flight Engineer Bruce Cain. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



19 September 2012: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 10-08807 receiving a post-flight inspection from Flight Engineer Bruce Cain at Gus Grissom Joint Civil/Miltary Air Reserve Base (KGUS).

             19 September 2012: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 10-08807 receiving a post-flight inspection from Flight Engineer Bruce Cain at Gus Grissom Joint Civil/Miltary Air Reserve Base (KGUS). Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



20 September 2012: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 10-08807 on the ramp at Quincy Regional Airport (KUIN), Illinois.

             20 September 2012: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 10-08807 on the ramp at Quincy Regional Airport (KUIN), Illinois. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



20 September 2012: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 10-08807 after landing at Marshall Army Airfield (KFRI). NET Team member Bill cagle helps tie down the blades (on top) while the pilots, Brock Tedrick and Kevin Jordan (near the ramp) pack up their gear. The Ferry Flight Mission is complete.

             20 September 2012: CH-47F Chinook helicopter 10-08807 after landing at Marshall Army Airfield (KFRI). NET Team member Bill cagle helps tie down the blades (on top) while the pilots, Brock Tedrick and Kevin Jordan (near the ramp) pack up their gear. The Ferry Flight Mission is complete. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



             The following CH-47F Chinook helicopters were originally fielded to B Company - "Diesel", 2nd General Support Aviation Battalion (GSAB), 1st Aviation Regiment, 1st Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB), 1st Infantry Division - "The Big Red One", located on Marshall Airfield (KFRI), Fort Riley, in the State of Kansas, beginning in September 2012 and used to support the unit train-up. Airframes are routinely reassigned as necessary so there is no telling where there are now.



10-08802 10-08803 10-08804 10-08805 10-08806
10-08807 10-08808 11-08094    



          This aircraft was piloted by:


          CIV Brock Tedrick, Standardization Pilot, 2012 1


          CW3 Kevin Jordan, Instructor Pilot, 2012 2


          Your Name Here.



          This aircraft was crewed by:


          CIV Bruce Cain, Standardization Instructor, 2012 3


          Your Name Here.



          1. Pilot in Command on Aircraft Delivery Ferry Flight from KMIV to KFRI.
2. Pilot on Aircraft Delivery Ferry Flight from KMIV to KFRI.
3. Flight Engineer on Aircraft Delivery Ferry Flight from KMIV to KFRI.



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          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


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Last updated: 12/22/2016 10:31:55